Several months ago, some of my Minnesota buddies and I started talking about a need for a site that could focus on the cool things happening in technology and the Internet right here in our state. Minnov8logo_2
We ended up deciding that a multi-author blog seemed to be the way to go, since we as a group (six of us) seemed to collectively be plugged in to most of what was happening here  — the founders, the technologists, the  developers, the investors, the new ideas.
We started sharing thoughts of what we could blog about and kinda blew each others’ minds — so many good Minnesota tech stories out there, just waiting to be told. My esteemed blogging buddy Steve Borsch, of Connecting The Dots, really led the charge. Hats off to him, because this idea simply wouldn’t have happened without his energy and passion.

Well, today, Saturday, you can now check out"Minnesota Technology Innovation News & Insights." After talking about it for months, it’s finally a reality. Well, kind of a soft-launch, anyway. Trouble is, starting in January, we all got really busy, but we decided we had enough content in the can, as it were, that we should go, at least with a few posts to get started. (More is coming as we speak.) My first post was about innovation in angel investing, a topic I’m very close to and have also written about here on Tech~Surf~Blog, as well as on

None of us needs another blog to be committed to. But I hope to be able to contribute ongoing, at least in my spare time, weekends, etc. And I personally intend to recruit guest bloggers from time to time. The community needs a forum like this, we’re convinced, and it was time to let ‘er rip. We all really believe strongly in our community. But there’s lots more to come from our current team of contributors, so keep your eye on Minnov8. And do let us know what you think. Go, Minnesota tech!