Graeme Thickins is a marketing consultant and advisor to technology firms. He launched his business more than 30 years ago after several progressively responsible marketing & communications positions with pioneering tech giants Control Data and Medtronic.

He’s served as an advisor to more than 250 startups and corporate ventures that have achieved billions of dollars in shareholder value, some achieving highly successful IPOs or acquisitions for as much as $900 million. The vast majority of his clients have experienced strong growth over the years and still operate today either independently or as part of larger firms that acquired them. Graeme has also served as an interim marketing or content executive for a few of his clients. He’s had several client firms in his personal equity portfolio – four of which have had successful exits (and more on the way!). In addition, Graeme has been an investor in two early-stage venture funds in Minnesota since 2017. These funds collectively hold positions in close to 30 startups, the majority of which are doing quite well.

Graeme has extensive credits as a published writer and analyst (more at his LinkedIn profile). His blog, now called GraemeThickinsOnTech, was launched in 2005. He contributed to (now an archived site) from 2007 to 2017. In 2019, he wrote for another MN-focused site called “Starting Up North.” And he’s had bylines at many national media sites over the years as well. You can follow his personal daily updates at In early 2018, he launched  a site dedicated specifically to his entrepreneur coaching work, which you can access at

Hi! In addition to managing this blog, I’m the founder of a firm that’s been “Helping Tech Startups Ride the Wave for 30+ Years.” Over that time, I’ve helped build significant value for a wide variety of technology clients.

Specifically, I’ve helped my clients with:

  • Connections, introductions, fundraising
  • Marketing and launch strategy
  • Naming/brand development
  • PR/messaging/storytelling
  • Content strategy and development
  • Social media strategy and implementation
  • Writing services …and more!

Head over to my Contact page and let’s talk!