Reflections & analysis about innovation, technology, startups, investing, healthcare, and more .... with a focus on Minnesota, Land of 10,000 Lakes. Blogging continuously since 2005.

Category: Conferences/Events (Page 39 of 80)

DEMO 09 – Interview With Christine Herron, First Round Capital

Graeme Thickins of Tech~Surf~Blog interviews Christine Herron, principal, First Round Capital, at the DEMO ’09 conference, which was held March 1-3, 2009, in Palm Desert, CA.

Christine Herron has been active in the VC industry for several years, and is now with the very well respected and active seed-stage firm First Round Capital. I chatted with her on the Pavilion showfloor here at DEMO, just as the lunch hour was approaching. We talked about her take on early-stage investing, some of her firm’s recent investments, and the panel she was about to participate in at DEMO this afternoon.


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DEMO 09 – Opening Reception, Interview 8: Coveroo

Graeme Thickins of Tech~Surf~Blog interviews Keith Jacob, head of business development for Coveroo, at the DEMO ’09 conference, which was held March 1-3, 2009, in Palm Desert, CA.

As I was leaving the outdoor setting of the reception, heading for the press dinner, I ran into my buddy Chris Gammill from LA, who’s here with covering the event. He introduced me to Keith Jacob of Coveroo, another presenting company, based in San Francisco. Coveroo replaces the original back cover of your mobile device or MP3 player with a custom version featuring laser-engraved artwork from your favorite brand, TV show, movie, or artist. (I apologize, my volume goes down towards the end of this one, but does come back up.)  I forgot to grab a photo of Keith, so I’m including here a wide shot as the party was wrapping up.

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DEMO 09 – Opening Reception, Interview 7: Sobees

Graeme Thickins of Tech~Surf~Blog interviews Francois Bochatay, CEO, and Nicholas Helke, chief communications officer, of deskNET about their “Sobees” social desktop aggregator at the DEMO ’09 conference, which was held March 1-3, 2009, in Palm Desert, CA.

I went on the lookout for more presenting company teams, and struck up a chat with two fellows who’d come at the way from Switzerland. Their company, deskNET SA, is introducing Sobees, which is a social desktop aggregator. I spoke with Nicholas Helke, chief communications officer (shown at left), and Francois Bochatay, CEO.

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DEMO 09 – Opening Reception, Interview 6: Gazaro

Graeme Thickins of Tech~Surf~Blog interviews Sam Zaid, CEO, and Dominic Plouffe, VP-R&D, of Gazaro at the DEMO ’09 conference, which was held March 1-3, 2009, in Palm Desert, CA.
One of the presenting companies I ran into as the party started to wind down was Gazaro, based in Ottawa, Canada. I talked with Sam Zaid, CEO (pictured at right), and Dominic Plouffe, VP of R&D.

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DEMO 09 – Opening Reception, Interview 5: Mike Garity

Graeme Thickins of Tech~Surf~Blog interviews Mike Garity, VP-marketing of Network World Events, at the DEMO ’09 conference, which was held March 1-3, 2009, in Palm Desert, CA.
Mike Garity is one of the executives in charge of DEMO at Network World Events, a part of IDG, which owns DEMO. I chatted with him about his take on this year’s event, how it compares to last year, and how people who can’t be here can watch a live stream of the entire conference.

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