Reflections & analysis about innovation, technology, startups, investing, healthcare, and more .... with a focus on Minnesota, Land of 10,000 Lakes. Blogging continuously since 2005.

Category: Conferences/Events (Page 42 of 80)

Defrag08: The Definitive Twitter Firehose

Well, it's over. Another great Defrag conference — the second annual, to be exact.  And what a great event it was, in downtown Denver on Monday and Tuesday of this week. Defrag08-sign
Aha moments running rampant… Here's my entire Twitter coverage, in convenient "last first" arrangement for your reading pleasure… :-)  That is, if you start by scrolling back to my last Defrag08 tweet on Tuesday 11/4 about 4:30 pm, when I left for the airport.  My coverage totaled some 200 tweets, but I lost count.

Another way to see the ENTIRE FREAKING FIREHOSE is to simply type "Defrag08" in the search box at  That will show everyone's tweets that had the hashtag "#defrag08" contained within the already-oh-so-short 140 character tweet length.

And a ton of tweets it was! One speaker did an informal survey of the approximately 300 in attendance, and found upwards of 60% were Twittering the event! That has to be a high point for the larger tech gatherings like this that I regularly attend. (I wonder how many were live-blogging it?  I didn't hear of a single person! Surely a few were. But then blogging is so 2004.)

Yet another feed was one set up by EventVue especially for Defrag. This is a community site that has conference producers sign up with them, allowing their attendees to each create a profile, then interact with other attendees — even in the days before the event begins, as well as during and after. A few months ago, they added a Twitter feature. The nice thing about EventVue's aggregated Defrag feed — which captured the tweets of everyone at the event who was Twittering (as long as they had set up a profile on EventVue) — is that each Twitterer's profile photo showed up next to their tweets, so you could really associate the name to the face. (Note one thing on both of these feeds: post-Defrag tweets started showing up today. Also, I see that EventVue, via the feed link above, isn't allowing me to scroll back very far, to all the tweets during the actual event, Monday and Tuesday. I suspect they may also shut off new entries to this feed soon, or take it down altogether.  However, they previously also created the "@Defrag08" account at Twitter, where you can see all the event's tweets, going all the way back.)

It was amazing the worldwide conversation that all of us Defrag tweeps managed to get going during this very jam-packed event! Here are a couple of screen shots of replies I was getting to my Twitter account.  My favorite?  The one from "johnsonLAB" in Berlin at 1:00 am…  🙂



UPDATE:  Oh, I almost forgot — photos!  Here's my Flickr set (tagged "Defrag08"), which includes many of the slides I found interesting.

Anticipating Defrag….

Getting excited about the Defrag conference, kicking off this Sunday evening in Denver. Once again, Eric Norlin and his colleagues who originally conceived this event (including VC Brad Feld) have planned a wonderful conference program, and again attracted a stellar group — coming off a blowout successful first-year event a year ago. Defrag2008-logo
(I wrote about the inaugural version extensively: here's an index of my Defrag 2007 posts. Actually, I believe it was the last event I live-blogged, versus the live-Twittering approach I've adopted since for my conference reporting. Why has Twitter just sort of taken over?) And, with this year's advisory board including people like Esther Dyson (of PC Forum fame) and Chris Shipley (of DEMO fame), how could this not be another fantastic conference?

Last year's experience was so great in every way that I took to describing it as basically like a religious experience. I was in awe hobnobbing with so many luminaries and big thinkers. I also got to connect again with many of my friends from the early days of the Internet — Doc Searls, Chris Locke, David Weinberger, Steve Larsen, and others.  I love my (younger) friend Aaron Fulkerson's testimonial comment about Defrag 2007, used on the current web site: "The
event had quite the attendee and speakers
list. You couldn’t spit and not
hit an industry notable."
It was an amazing group — all told, about 300. The collective intelligence in the room was unlike
anything I've ever experienced, and the program, keynotes, and
discussions — both the panels and the informal variety — were
off-the-charts valuable and thought-provoking.  There was just this energy level that I can't fully describe…that we were about to collectively imagine the future of the Internet, the social web, a whole new level of collaboration. You had to be there.

And you should be there this year! It's not too late, and I even have a juicy discount code posted in my sidebar to the right. [Shhh, don't tell anybody.  I'm not sure I'm supposed to be offering that to all my blog readers — but what the hell! Maybe Eric Norlin won't read this… 🙂 ] The best way to get the real skinny about what's in store this year is to check out the Defrag blog, which Eric writes so well. The man has a gift for storytelling. And, of course, check out the list of stellar speakers…and the great agenda. This conference is packed with aha moments and extreme takeaways.

What's also cool is that there are three speakers from my home state of Minnesota. Rich Hoeg of Honeywell, whom I met at our "Minnebar" BarCamp event this past spring, will be speaking about social search in the corporate environment, and Connie Bensen, a community strategist now working with Network Solutions, will be on a panel about "making the social web." Oneplace_logo
And I'm especially looking forward to a panel on "Re-imagining
the metaphors behind collaborative
," which includes my friend Steve Kickert of Minnesota's own Riverock Technologies, who'll be talking about his very cool, just released from beta OnePlaceâ„¢ online team collaboration and work management system. 
These guys are some amazing developers, and this thing rocks. (I know — I use it!) You can catch some buzz about OnePlaceâ„¢ just starting to appear here and here. [Full disclosure: I'm a consultant to Steve's company.]

Want to see who else you'll be able to hobnob with in this intimate setting?  Check out this blog post that lists just some of the many companies attending.  People, I'm tellin' ya, this is a heavy-duty crowd!  Want to read a great rundown on what your two-day experience will be like at Defrag?  Check out this blog post, which will give you "a sense of what you'll encounter" at this great conference.

I really hope you can make it to Defrag. See you in Denver!

David Meerman Scott to Speak at ‘Social Media Breakfast’ in Twin Cities October 31

I’m really happy to report that I successfully convinced one of my famous-author friends to speak to our next Social Media Breakfast here in the Twin Cities. We call it "SMBMSP" for short, and this is our eighth monthly event. Smbmsplogo
David Meerman Scott, a very well-traveled and popular speaker, is the author of the top-selling book, The New Rules for Marketing and PR. Davidmscott_2

He told me back in August that he’d be coming to MInneapolis for a seminar on October 30, so I asked him if he would consider staying over another night if we could schedule one of our breakfast meetings on the 31st. Newrulesbookcover_2
He was gracious enough to say yes, so we got some sponsors, and now we have it all scheduled. It will be held at Deluxe Corp’s headquarters in Shoreview, MN, thanks to my friend Steve Neilsen, whose company,, was recently acquired by Deluxe. The meeting is scheduled for 8:00 to 10:30 am on Friday, October 31. Attendance is free, open to anyone interested in social media, and the first 100 attendees will receive a free copy of David’s book. (By the way, David blogs here.)
To register, go to our group’s social network site at (clip shown here), click on the "Events" tab, then click on "SMB-Twin Cities 8," and then look for the "Order Now" button. Smbmspningpage_2
Or, just go directly to our RSVP page. Look forward to seeing you there!  Oh — and costumes are optional…  🙂

What I’ve Been Blogging and Tweeting Lately

Just a post to catch you up to what I’ve been doing elsewhere online recently, on venues other than this.  First of all, my volunteer/pastime blogging thing over at included a post a couple days ago on a bigtime conference held here in the Twin Cities last week called the MIMA Summit. Mimasummitpost_3  It was sponsored by, you guessed it, MIMA (the Minnesota Interactive Marketing Association). Here’s a partial screen clip of that post, and the whole post is here.

Then, just yesterday, I participated again in the weekly Minnov8 Gang Podcast, this one Episode 9 already. (Wow, time flies when you’re having fun.)  You can grab it off the Minnov8 home page via the link at top center there, as you can see on the second screen clip. Minnov8podcastlinks We talked about a number of topics, including recent confabs in the Twin Cities, the economic times, social media (of course), and, hey, even wine.

Finally, I continue to Twitter all the while — that just never stops! 🙂  I’m including here a recent screenshot of my Twitterstream. But please do follow the whole dang shebang hereGraemetwitter1008
One cool thing that happened recently is this: I received a rating for my Twitter account of 91 out of 100 from  Wow, that means my Twitter presence is rated higher than 91% of all the other accounts they’ve graded! Nice to know I’m doing something right..

UPDATE 10/6/08:  Meant to say that social media is a part of everything I do now for my clients, and also that I’m quite active in our local Social Media Breakfast organization. Be sure to keep the morning on Oct 31 open, because we have an exciting, nationally known speaker coming to town. [Actually, he was already here for a private gig, and I convinced him to stay over a night…  🙂 ] Watch the "SMBMSP" site above for the announcement later today.

UPDATE 10/9/08:  I see our local media site MinnPost picked up my story on the MIMA Summit.

DEMOfall 08 vs. TechCrunch50: My Wrap-Up of Last Week

I attend a lot of conferences. A ton of conferences. I actually started reporting on tech conferences in 1997, would you believe?  Heck, I can’t even count how many I’ve attended, how many reports I’ve filed, for how many media outlets, how many endless thousands of words I’ve tapped out, at all hours of the day and night, from meeting rooms, lobbies, and bad hotel rooms all over God’s green earth (not to speak of planes flying above it).  I think that gives me some perspective on what makes for a good conference. Demofallkarawalt

So, then, I suppose you guys would like to hear my take on the events I attended in California this past week, huh?  I guess this is as good a time as any, as I drink wine on the plane home and finally get some think time, to start tapping this one out on the keyboard. Seems like my chance to wax on about my thoughts on these two opposing/overlapping events… Techcrunch50mikearrington

Now, the way I figure it, there are two ways I could do this: a really long blog post (trust me, I have tons I could say), or really short. I can’t see something in between. Since the flight is only another hour and a half, I’m thinking shorter has to be the way to go. Thus, here’s my analysis in sound-bite form.

Two Conferences for Startups: Similar, But World’s Apart
You know how the two events were similar, I suspect. I’ve blogged previously on this topic (scroll back if you want). I’ll focus here on how they were different.  So, here goes some thoughts off the top of my head:
– DEMO was for a more experienced, mature crowd. TC50 was for the "cool kids." (Cool kids by definition are not all that experienced, and frankly can be a real pain in the ass.)
– DEMO was extremely well run. TC50 wasn’t.
– DEMO was held in a resort location. TC50 was held…south of Market.
– DEMO was friendly. TC50 wasn’t.
– DEMO networking was excellent, as usual. TC50’s was…meh.
– DEMO had great social media tools set up for attendees. Never saw anything like that at TC50.
– DEMO had some great parties. TC50’s…weren’t.
– DEMO had everything on site. TC50 required riding cabs (hotel, evening events), which sucks.
– DEMO’s food was flat-out excellent. TC50’s was ho-hum.
– DEMO’s production values were top-flight. TC50…has some things to learn.
– DEMO had great bump music. Never heard much at TC50.
– DEMO’s on-stage presenters were well prepared. TC50’s varied…widely.
– DEMO’s logistics were impeccable, as usual. TC50’s were…challenged.
– DEMO’s support of press attendees is flat-out the best. TC50’s was…some emails.

But enough equivocating! How do I really feel? 🙂 I’m just telling it like it is based on my own conference experience. Do with it what you will.  Now, in defense of TC50, I was only there for one day (the last).  Maybe the first two days were better (God, I hope). Because I wasn’t there for all of TC-50, I can’t attempt to give you a list of my top-10 favorite startups that launched there.  But, since I did take in the entire DEMOfall conference, I will do my normal best picks from that event — out of the 72 startups that presented.

My Top-Ten DEMOfall Picks
Here are the ones that lit me up, presented here in no particular priority order (just alphabetically). And, to give you the gist of each, I’m including part of what I tweeted about each right as they were on stage:
•  Best Buy ( – of course! my hometown boys – "universal gift registry"…Firefox plug-in…just highlight product at any ecommerce site, then click Giftag icon in your browser bar, and it’s saved
• – provides valuations of small businesses, at no cost to the business…small biz in U.S.=$5.8 trillion, a couple trillion more than all Nasdaq cos!
•  BlueLava Technologies ( – has desktop software (Mac now, Win later) that examines your photos and sends ’em to the people in the photos…ooooo!
•  DialDirections (SayWhere) – no more typing on your iPhone, just SAY it, dude! mapping, directions, reviews… (coming soon)
•  Fusion-io – announced ioDrive last yr, now ioSAN…shared solid-state storage…1.5Gb/sec – doubling perf from last yr…can transfer 5 DVDs in seconds
•  MixMatchMusic – a community for musicians and consumers alike, to mash it up…and the musicians even make money!
•  PaidInterviews – disrupting the traditional recruiting model…once candidate’s selected, they’re paid their "ask price" to go on interview…turns recruiting world upside down
•  Plastic Logic – been developing new display technology for 10 yrs, reader coming ’09…no glass, very light, long battery life….woooo!
•  PhoTrade – a visual marketplace connecting photogs, advertisers, web publishers…upload, set price, share…when you’re on deadline, you gotta find and buy a photo fast
•  SpinSpotter – out to bring transparency to news reporting…lets user put on "Spinoculars," highlight unsubstantiated words, submit objections…gad, maybe keep media honest?

Read My Play-by-Play Twitter Account of Both Events
By the way, speaking of tweets, I thought I’d give you the links to my entire Twitter archive on each of these events. The only way I can capture or save all my tweets for later blogging — at least until somebody creates a better way — is to scroll back in Twitter and shoot a screen capture of a page at a time. So, that’s what I did, and I then posted those images (PNG files) to my web site.  The trouble with this approach, of course, is that everything is arranged most recent first — so you don’t get the logical, chronological order of the event, unless you somehow go to the bottom screen capture first and read up.  Anyway, here’s my index of tweets for DEMOfall (#1 most recent, #18 oldest), and my index of tweets for TechCrunch50 (#1 most recent, #8 oldest). 

Let me know what you think. Did you attend either event?  Or did you try to follow them online?  Do you even care?  What were your favorite startups at either one?

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