Reflections & analysis about innovation, technology, startups, investing, healthcare, and more .... with a focus on Minnesota, Land of 10,000 Lakes. Blogging continuously since 2005.

Category: Marketing/Branding/PR (Page 13 of 29)

David Meerman Scott to Speak at ‘Social Media Breakfast’ in Twin Cities October 31

I’m really happy to report that I successfully convinced one of my famous-author friends to speak to our next Social Media Breakfast here in the Twin Cities. We call it "SMBMSP" for short, and this is our eighth monthly event. Smbmsplogo
David Meerman Scott, a very well-traveled and popular speaker, is the author of the top-selling book, The New Rules for Marketing and PR. Davidmscott_2

He told me back in August that he’d be coming to MInneapolis for a seminar on October 30, so I asked him if he would consider staying over another night if we could schedule one of our breakfast meetings on the 31st. Newrulesbookcover_2
He was gracious enough to say yes, so we got some sponsors, and now we have it all scheduled. It will be held at Deluxe Corp’s headquarters in Shoreview, MN, thanks to my friend Steve Neilsen, whose company,, was recently acquired by Deluxe. The meeting is scheduled for 8:00 to 10:30 am on Friday, October 31. Attendance is free, open to anyone interested in social media, and the first 100 attendees will receive a free copy of David’s book. (By the way, David blogs here.)
To register, go to our group’s social network site at (clip shown here), click on the "Events" tab, then click on "SMB-Twin Cities 8," and then look for the "Order Now" button. Smbmspningpage_2
Or, just go directly to our RSVP page. Look forward to seeing you there!  Oh — and costumes are optional…  ๐Ÿ™‚

What I’ve Been Blogging and Tweeting Lately

Just a post to catch you up to what I’ve been doing elsewhere online recently, on venues other than this.  First of all, my volunteer/pastime blogging thing over at included a post a couple days ago on a bigtime conference held here in the Twin Cities last week called the MIMA Summit. Mimasummitpost_3  It was sponsored by, you guessed it, MIMA (the Minnesota Interactive Marketing Association). Here’s a partial screen clip of that post, and the whole post is here.

Then, just yesterday, I participated again in the weekly Minnov8 Gang Podcast, this one Episode 9 already. (Wow, time flies when you’re having fun.)  You can grab it off the Minnov8 home page via the link at top center there, as you can see on the second screen clip. Minnov8podcastlinks We talked about a number of topics, including recent confabs in the Twin Cities, the economic times, social media (of course), and, hey, even wine.

Finally, I continue to Twitter all the while — that just never stops! ๐Ÿ™‚  I’m including here a recent screenshot of my Twitterstream. But please do follow the whole dang shebang hereGraemetwitter1008
One cool thing that happened recently is this: I received a rating for my Twitter account of 91 out of 100 from  Wow, that means my Twitter presence is rated higher than 91% of all the other accounts they’ve graded! Nice to know I’m doing something right..

UPDATE 10/6/08:  Meant to say that social media is a part of everything I do now for my clients, and also that I’m quite active in our local Social Media Breakfast organization. Be sure to keep the morning on Oct 31 open, because we have an exciting, nationally known speaker coming to town. [Actually, he was already here for a private gig, and I convinced him to stay over a night…  ๐Ÿ™‚ ] Watch the "SMBMSP" site above for the announcement later today.

UPDATE 10/9/08:  I see our local media site MinnPost picked up my story on the MIMA Summit.

Best Team Get-Up at DEMOfall –


So, how does a presenting company stand out at DEMO? Ask, led by DEMO returnee Ami Kassar (on the far left). This new site helps you find out what any small business is worth — so they all dressed up like, you got it, small business owners. Ami is in pizza shop garb, complete with tomato sauce stains… ๐Ÿ™‚

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