Reflections & analysis about innovation, technology, startups, investing, healthcare, and more .... with a focus on Minnesota, Land of 10,000 Lakes. Blogging continuously since 2005.

Category: Messaging/Collaboration (Page 1 of 9)

DEMO Spring 11: A Chat with LIfe Is Better On

LifeIsBetterON-DEMOspring2011 Did you know 30% of voicemail messages remain unheard for three days or more? And here I thought it was just me. A company with the rather different name of "Life Is Better ON" provides that stat. It also cites a survey finding 38% of Americans don't like voicemail because they have to listen to long, rambling messages.

So, what does this outfit have to fix the situation? A Twitter-like voicemail system that limits you to speaking only 140 characters? LifeIsBetterON-logoWell, no — but maybe better: their "ON Voicefeed" service is a free iPhone app that enhances your exchanges with family, friends, and colleagues by creating customized groups and personalized voicemail messages. (The app is available now in the country App Stores in the UK and France, and it's coming in a matter of days to the US App Store.) 

This is visual voicemail on steroids, folks!  And it's all cloud-based. Listen to Giles Corbett, a Brit with a really smooth radio voice, tell you all about ON Voicefeed.  He's director and head of the "ON" service, which was developed by Orange Valle, a subsidiary, founded in 2008, of the Paris-based Orange Group, a part of France Telecom.  Here's the video of Giles' on-stage demo, and be sure to check out the props his sidekick was sporting.

Download or listen to my interview of Giles Corbett, Director of the ON Service, Orange Valle/Orange Group, France Telecom … (MP3)



DEMOfall 2010: A Chat With Sococo About Its “Team Space” Virtual Collaboration Environment

DavidVanWie-Sococo Okay, all you virtual-worlds people: you won't be able to contain yourselves once you get a look at Sococo. But even those of you who aren't will be highly intrigued — especially if you work "virtually" and really feel disconnected with your dispersed work team. It lets all of you interact in a rich, virtualized environment as if you were face-to-face.  I talked with David Van Wie, CEO and founder, about this always-on group communications service for distributed teams.  Sococo-logo It provides an intuitive, spatial layout, letting you see office interactions as they occur, and initiate ad-hoc meetings easily. It integrates IM and voice, and has a unique "Multi-Screenshare" technology.

Download or listen to Graeme's interview with Sococo about its Team Space virtual collaboration environment… (MP3)"

Gist Gives You the Context You Need for Meaningful Engagements

Today, I had an opportunity to meet with a couple of the good folks
from Gist, a startup based in Seattle that helps you "Know More about
Who You Know."  It's a neat app that I've been using for some time, and
that includes their native iPhone app — which is a great way
to stay in touch when I'm on the go with what my network is up to.  I
also love the daily email updates I get from Gist that give me all the
latest content from my most important contacts. 

I sat down for breakfast with Robert Pease, VP of Marketing, and Jenn Pitts, Marketing Operations Manager, who were in town for a conference. My friend Buzz Bruggeman in Seattle was nice enough to give me a heads-up that Robert and Jenn were coming to Minneapolis, and I thought it would be a great
Jenn+Robert-Gist opportunity to get an update on the company.  I had previously met the CEO, T.A. McCann, last year at a couple of conferences I attend in Denver, Defrag and Glue, where I had first learned about the company's app.

Here's the audio interview I recorded of our conversation, which is about 22 minutes long. Excuse the sound quality, because we were in the very large lobby restaurant in the Hyatt downtown, and there was a fair amount of background noise. At one point, there was even a loud clap of thunder outside that interrupted our chat! But it was good to hear about how this startup is doing in advancing its mission of helping people improve their relationships with the people and companies that matter most to them.

Download or listen to Graeme's interview with Gist (MP3)"

A Chat with Infusionsoft – DEMOspring10 Presenter

InfusionSoft As the extended lunch session on the Pavilion floor at DEMO wound down on Tuesday, I had the opportunity to get some time with two of the cofounders of Infusionsoft, a company I had just seen present in the Enterprise Technologies category. This company was introducing its new "Email Marketing 2.0" platform, which sure caught my attention.  I interviewed the cofounder and CEO, Clate Mask (right), and cofounder and VP-Customer Experience, Scott Martineau.

Download or listen to Graeme's interview with Infusionsoft (MP3)"

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