Reflections & analysis about innovation, technology, startups, investing, healthcare, and more .... with a focus on Minnesota, Land of 10,000 Lakes. Blogging continuously since 2005.

Category: Messaging/Collaboration (Page 8 of 9)

What to Look for at DEMOfall – Part 1

Let’s take a look at what we can expect at DEMOfall 2006, where I’ll be bloging from next Tuesday and Wednesday. First, I notice nine non-U.S. companies are presenting, undoubtedly a result of executive producer Chris Shipley’s wild travel schedule. As Gary Bolles of Conferenza says, “she meets with more startups than anyone on the planet.” Demochrisshipley_1 For this fall’s event, I see on the list there’s a company from Canada (Cascada Mobile), one from Israel (eSnips), one from the UK (Moixa Energy), one from Germany (Open Business Club), one from France (Realeyes3D), one from Austria (SystemOne), another from the UK (Tao Group), another from Canada (Trigence), and another from France (Violet).

My “hardest-company-name-to pronounce” award, by the way — overall — has to go to one of these non-U.S. firms, Moixa. Ta-dah! Please come forward….. Now, tell us, is that moyxa…mo-ik-zah…or….huh??? And, looking through the entire list, including the U.S. entries, the most-confusing-name award has to go the Grand Central Communications. Why? At first, I thought — what? — that company was founded in 2000 by former CNet head Halsey Minor, and it was a web services outfit. This one appears to be VOIP startup, founded by two other guys, though there is little yet posted at their new web site. So, what’s with that? Did they acquire the domain of the previous firm? Is this a rebirth? Or is this just some kind of of a weird coincidence? That would be doubtful, since both firms are in SF….

By the way, speaking of the Bay Area, fully 45% of the presenting companies at this event are from there — 30 out of 67. Chris may travel the world, but why is it the geographic distribution of the DEMO presenting companies ends up, again, being heavily skewed to a certain county or two in NorCal? Could it be possilby be….the VCs? Or is it simply because more companies from there apply?

You tell me….


PC Forum: Illumio Puts Social Networking to Work

I had a chance to sit down with David Gilmour, CEO of Tacit Software, Palo Alto, on Sunday afternoon, before PC Forum really got going, to learn a little about a new web service he would be debuting later at the event, called “Illumio.” I think it was the coolest stealth company to come out at PC Forum (actually, Illumio is not a company, but a project within an existing company). Tacit, founded in 1997, produces software to enable collaboration among employees in large enterprises. For a refresher on what the term “tacit knowledge” means, see this Wikipedia page. Customers include Lockheed Martin, Morgan Stanley, Northrop Grumman, and the U.S. Government, and its partners are IBM, SAIC, and Sun. Investors include Draper Fisher Jurvetson, Woodside Fund, RBC Technology Ventures, Alta Partners, Reuters Venture Capital, and In-Q-Tel. Gilmour described Illumio as “a Web 2.0 way to extend Tacit software” What it will do (a public beta starts soon, per the signup at is allow any individual to search their network of colleagues, and tap into their knowledge for “what they know, what they have, and who they know.” Tacit’s patented software technology continuously processes e-mail, documents, and other business communications and automatically discovers each employee’s work focus, expertise, and business relationships.

The Illumio project started, said Gilmour, as a way to get smaller companies to take advantage of Tacit’s software technology — that is, customers that couldn’t afford either the cost or the time for a full software deployment, which can takes months. The Illumio version of the software, a web service, will be free initially, Gimour said. “Tacit and Illumio are more about collaboration as opposed to knowledge management. It’s what we call ‘massively federated desktop search’,” Gilmour explained. “We enable you to search your colleagues, and interact in new ways.” Later, in the company presentations session 031306tacit on Monday afternoon, CEO Gilmour spoke of the ready market for Illumio: “There will be something like 50 million desktop search engines by the end of 2006, and there will be zero PCs without desktop search after the next OS generation.” He said his company’s Illumio technology now supports Google and MSN desktop search, and others will follow. It searches files, documents, email, contacts, favorites, browser cache, appointments, and more. He allowed, however, that a problem with desktop search is privacy. “The market is hyper-sensitive about that,” and he said his company works hard on it.

The Illumio web service “gets you information you can’t find anywhere else,” said Gilmour. He explained that, once the service is ready for public beta (still not as of today), it will be a 2.5 Mb download (Windows only at first), which then sits on top of your desktop search engine. “The service doesn’t know who matches a request until someone opts in to the request,” he said. Illumio has an IM-like feature, and no peer-to-peer connection. “Everything is done through SOAP on the server, with tiny XML documents.”

Gilmour gave some examples of how the Illumio service would work. The first was a “Document Request.” For example, “Who has the latest Gartner presentation on social networking”? A message would pop up on the desktop of your network connections as a small window, said Gilmour, and the receiver does not have to search through his disk. “There’s even a time estimate displayed for you on how long all the contacts’ computers will take to respond to the request,” he said.

Another example he gave was a request called “Get an Answer.” Gilmour said this is handled by the declining Dutch auction method, in which “the bar will be lowered if there’s no answer, till one comes in.” Another type of request, which uses the software’s “Personal Groups” feature, allows one to search for someone that knows a certain person. For example, he said — in the case of “Who knows Esther?” — the software would search for who did the most email with her.

The company’s vision with Illumio is “How can social networks be put to use for people,” said Gilmour. “It lets you search your friends and colleagues for what they alone can offer you. And, when you have something they want, it puts you in control of that and ensures your privacy.” The web service will also have a feature called “Shared Illumio Groups,” which a user will be able to set up at the Illumio site, and these can be either “Public” or “Managed.”

Audience questions afterwards (it was a well attended and attentive session) included the following. Q: How will you stop scurilous uses? A: We’re very concerned. We don’t know yet, and will write the rules as we need them. Q: Will you partner with commerce sites? A: There is the possibility of buying and selling things with this technology. Q: What about competitors? A: Others that have tried to do something similar have required the user to write their own profile, but that’s not a reliable technique.


The Takeaways of Demo 2006

Demoviewfromroom_1 Okay, here’s the 30th and last post in my “DEMO 2006” category (many also tagged in other categories, as listed on the right) since I began publishing pre-conference. So, who could have done more posts than this — maybe CNet? Then again, quantity isn’t everything… 🙂 But I was honored to be on a list with many of the great bloggers covering the event — especially since it was my first conference as a blogger (though not as a reporter, for which the number is probably 40 or more).

Just for the heck of it, I’m including a few photos of the surroundings at Demo, which I took with my cell phone cam — showing things I was too busy to do, like golf, pool, hot tub. But I didn’t care — didn’t have time to. [Besides, I had my beach time and a surf session in San Clemente the day before I got there.]

This post is essentially my recap on the themes or takeaways I got from this great happening….this blockbuster celebration of tech and entrepreneurship. Net-net: I wouldn’t have missed it for the world! Demohotelpool_1 It was non-stop buzz, business models, and blabbing about everything imaginable relating to today’s souped-up economy for technology startups (especially Internet-related ones)…a giant energy-drink slurpee lasting three days. And the people — wow! I know I met many who’ll be valuable contacts and friends for years to come. Plus I learned about some cool new services that’ll help me in my crazy, tech-challenged world…just as I know they’ll help you.

So here, as best as I can break down something this intensely information-packed, are the themes I got from DEMO 2006. (Note time didn’t allow me to post about every single one of the companies I mention here; but I’ve included links to all their sites if you wish to read more.)

• User-generated content and sharing is exploding. To say that consumer-generated content is a major trend in this age of “new media” and social networking I don’t think will surprise you. If you’ve read some of my previous posts, you know it was the major theme of the conference. [And there would be a sub-theme you got out of reading those, too: revenue-sharing with content creators.] Demopool_1 Companies in point who presented at Demo that are taking advantage of this trend in various ways include: Vizrea, TagWorld, SmileBox, Zingee, LocaModa, Sharpcast, Tiny Pictures,, Yahoo! Photos (of course), Multiverse Network, and Gravee….and I posted about every one of ’em.

• Search goes wider, search goes deeper. Meaning more data types as relates the former, and, no surprise, going vertical for the latter. Presenting companies that fit into this theme included Krugle, Riya, AOL via its acquisition of Truveo (online sometime this spring), Nexidia, Gravee, BiggerBoat, Kaboodle, Raw Sugar, and Kosmix….several of which I posted about.

• E-commerce can still get better and easier. As big as it is (one example:, a site on whose launch team I served, is now selling more than a billion bucks a year), we’re hardly done with e-commerce improvements. And that notion is sure to be welcomed by today’s increasingly savvy, instant-gratification online buyers. Companies worth a look here include Transparansee, Pay By Touch, and PayWi (which lets you buy from your cell phone). I was also impressed with CNet Channel’s intelligent cross-sell technology. This is a tool for e-tailers that with save a huge amount of hassle, automating what’s been a very time-intensive and hit-or-miss process for online store managers.

• Now that phone service is free or really cheap, what more can we do with it? Skype thundered into this space in a huge way — and thank God people now have a decent moniker they can attach to the concept instead of “VOIP”! And the category will only get huger, as we all know. Watch out for upstarts that are gonna ride this trend with more innovations — such as being able to make Skype calls from your cell phone: EQO Communications…and getting a whole rich set of features for your VOIP residential service: My People.

• Small business needs big help with information technology. It’s a huge market, but what will appeal to them and how do you reach them? Two companies that are giving it a try are Interprise, which has a free online ERP/CRM solution for the little guys….and Sprout Systems, which is developing online solutions for companies with 10 employees or fewer, coming out of the chute first (now seeking Series A) with an email management system. [I wish both luck. Raise the big bucks, or get a deep-pocketed gorilla to buy you.]

• P2P is not going away – and more apps are on the way. If you think peer-to-peer technology had its day, think again. Just because it got a bad name for a while doesn’t mean it won’t change the world. At least three of the presenting companies at Demo are using the technology to buiild their dream: Zingee, a flat-out content sharing play, as I posted about previously…Vsee, which is using the technology to improve desktop video conferencing…and Tiny Pictures, which says it has P2P technology to enable you to share your cell phone pix quickly and easily.

What DEMO 2006 was NOT about. The biggest thing was it wasn’t about gadgets, as the event was known to have been for so many years. Today, the technology world — whether it’s consumer or enterprise — is much more about services. Gadgets are only a means to enable a service, for the user to do something valuable he or she needs to get done. I sit here hard-pressed to name game-changing gadgets presented at the event…. Okay, there was MooBella, the customized, Linux-based ice cream vending machine, and Pleo, the new robotic toy from the inventor of Furby. Yeah, they were cool, but so what? I’m not in the food business or the toy business, and I don’t think most of you are either. The producers threw those in just for shock value and dramatic effect. [And, trust me, Demo’s producers know how to get publicity. They also know how to get buzz, which is why they had so had so many bloggers there. If you want to know what I mean, read this great new post from Guy Kawasaki on how to get buzz these days.] Two gadgets of note I just remembered were the iGuitar — very cool, but you gotta be a musician, which I’m not anymore (surfing took over)…though it’s a big market space ($3 billion) they’re playing in. And the Chiliâ„¢ from ZinkKat was the other one. But don’t try to find a photo of the device on their web site — it hasn’t been updated since before DEMO! [Hello?] The Chili is the “first wearable cell phone/MP3 player/Podcast and web stream receiver, all on one,” says the company, which is aiming it (of course) at teenagers, for use in the home. [Too bad the voice interface, which is how you operate the thing, sounded so bad. Here’s a clue: no matter how cool your gadget looks, if the interface isn’t right, you have some…uh, work to do?]

And one more thing to take away from DEMO. We’re all learning a lot about blogging, folks. Me included. [And there’s nothing like throwing yourself into it headlong to learn from the inside.] Demosilhouette But I was fascinated by how blog-savvy so many of the companies are that launched at DEMO — and I learned a lot from them. They get the blogging model, the power of the blogging community. They spent just as much time talking up the bloggers as they did the traditional press. Blogging is even changing the model of how some tech companies launch — read: without traditional PR. My fellow blogger and conference reporter Shel Israel did a great post on this topic (just prior to Demo), and this is about the third time I’ve linked to it — it’s that major. Just another example of how the growing online community is changing the game. And Guy Kawasaki’s post, cited above, just adds to that message.

Hope you liked my DEMO coverage. Please drop me a line if you did — or better yet, post a comment.
Cheers…over and out.


[Written at Bloomington, MN, on the coldest weekend
of the winter so far…ah, sweet memories of Phoenix.]

We Interrupt This Demo Coverage…

…for a developing story that broke a few days ago, I learned, just as I was getting back from the Demo 2006 conference. This blog does technology, not politics, but this article from the Christian Science Monitor talks about a new government program called “ADVISE” that uses data mining to troll news, blogs, even e-mails, so I thought it worthy of inclusion here.

Basically, this is all about a different kind of open source from the one us tech folks usually write about. This is “open source intelligence” — which government types, in their classic acronym-speak, also term “OSINT.” See this Wikipedia page for background. It turns out, however, that it really is related to the open-source software movement, in a way, as pointed out in this article from 2002.

For more reading on OSINT, here’s a CIA news release and a CIA secure log-in screen.

This is just a quick item of interest I wanted to pass along. It caught my eye especially because I’m currently working on a paper about how email mining is actually a coming new business application as well. So many of our technologies get their start in government.

Now back to our regularly scheduled blog program…

[Written on my lunch hour in St. Paul, MN.]

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