Reflections & analysis about innovation, technology, startups, investing, healthcare, and more .... with a focus on Minnesota, Land of 10,000 Lakes. Blogging continuously since 2005.

Category: Startups (Page 1 of 29)

MN Entrepreneurs and the Fortune 500 – A Look Back to One of My Favorite Posts

graphic showing the state map of Minnesota with the words Fortune 500 over itI’ve been writing about Minnesota startup founders for a long time. I can’t remember the first post I wrote about one — probably sometime in 2006. But I do know I’ve penned innumerable such posts over the years. One of my favorite recurring subjects was Robert Stephens, founder of The Geek Squad. I did a search recently to unearth just how many times I wrote about him. It was twelve! Yes, that many posts about just one of our state’s many successful tech founders! Why?  I guess because he was such a fascinating and quotable guy — and of course because I admired his success. Some of my posts about Robert were lengthy features, while others just mentioned his participation in certain local events. Here’s my list of all those posts.

What does Robert have to do with the Fortune 500? His firm was acquired by one: Best Buy. Which you surely know if you live here. And both firms were, of course, founded right here in Minnesota. The significance of his acquisition cannot be overstated: it became the basis of a massive services business for Best Buy, which continues to this day.

My favorite post about Robert was headlined and dated thusly:

text of the headline of Graeme's favorite post about Robert Stephens

Why does this one stand out for me? Because it isn’t just about one of my favorite founders, but also one of my favorite topics: branding. I re-discovered what a great read it was (if I do say so myself!) when I went back to it after so many years. (Warning, it’s a long one.) The full post is here.

Speaking of Fortune 500 firms here in Minnesota… some years after the above, I wrote a commissioned piece on this topic: “Minnesota Has Long Had a High Per-Capita of Fortune 500s. How’s That Working Out?” I didn’t write about Best Buy in that one, but I did quote at least one other Minnesota founder, whose firm was acquired by a Fortune 500 — for close to a billion dollars.

Recently, I was reminded that I only focused on Twin Cities-based Fortune 500s when I wrote that article. How could I have forgotten an out-state Fortune 500: Fastenal, founded and based in Winona MN to this day.. No, it isn’t a very high-tech company, but what an amazing growth story it has been over the years! The recent passing of its iconic founder and CEO, Bob Kierlin, reminded us all of that. I just posted on LinkedIn about him. Some of his very wise words were included there.

The lesson in all of this? Minnesota grows some great ones!


My Predictions Post for 2025: All Bets Are Off

[Disclosure: This post was in no way, shape, or form written by “A.I.” It is purely “H.I.”]

Well, it’s now early February, so I got through the whole month of January without writing my perennial New Year’s predictions post. Last year, it look me three weeks into January before I gathered up enough angles to blather about. This year, there were tons of predictions swirling around in my head around yearend that I thought were bound to come true — but those were so obvious to me that I thought spewing them out would sound stupid. or just plain boring. So, the spirit never moved me to hammer out a post.

an AI-generated image of men looking at a Predictions Market wall display

Image created by me using ChatGPT’s DALL-E.

This year, I think I’ll just revisit my last year’s predictions and crow about how many were right — or that exceeded my expectations. I’ll also grade any that were wrong or “to be determined.” Here we go, with my words from last year’s post stated first in italics:

AIThe hype curve has peaked. Enjoy the ride down into the trough of disillusionment. I won’t say anything more because… are there any more words to say at all that haven’t already been said about AI in 2023? A breather is needed for sure, because the hype has been getting out of control as we sit here in early 2024. (Note: I am not anti AI, I am anti *AI hype*… ) Verdict: WRONG! The hype did not let up, I’m sure you all agree.

StartupsI predict the number of startups will pick up somewhat in 2024 (from 2023’s dismal number). Verdict: RIGHT! According to Crunchbase, the overall number of startup formations, as measured by global venture funding, did slightly increase in 2024 compared to 2023, with the majority of this growth attributed to the significant rise in investment directed towards AI-related startups.

VCIn 2024, I will not be surprised if more VC funds shut down. Pitchbook reported in December that 38% of VCs “disappeared from dealmaking in 2023.” Verdict: RIGHT! Consider this recently from Pitchbook: “More venture firms than ever are becoming zombies. In 2023, 15,303 unique investors participated in at least one VC deal in the US. But this year, that figure has dropped to 11,425 investors, according to the Q3 2024 PitchBook-NVCA Venture Monitor.” Ouch.

AppleMy price target for $AAPL shares is $220 by yearend… Verdict: RIGHT! But, actually, the share price of my favorite stock  exceeded that number, by a lot: it was $250 on 12/31/24! (Okay, I can’t pass up the temptation to predict a price by the end of 2025. Let’s go with $290!)

Sports / NationalWill gambling on NFL games get out of control? One senses that a crackdown must be coming. Right on cue, Minnesota legislators are trying to have sports betting legalized in our state. Verdict: RIGHT! Sports gambling TV commercials increased in frequency, as any viewer of pro sports on TV can attest — yuck!! But WRONG! – no gambling crackdown appeared that I have seen. Perhaps in some states? Here in Minnesota, thankfully, sports betting still has not been legalized.

Sports / LocalThe Vikings will do better. Which isn’t saying much. And Gopher football damn-well better improve as well! 2023 was embarrassing. One highlight in 2024: we’re finally going to the Rose Bowl! Verdict: RIGHT! On both counts. And my personal favorite of the year was getting to see that Gopher win vs. UCLA in-person at the Rose Bowl! Some awesome memories.

Higher EdCollege enrollments will continue to drop nearly everywhere, but prices will of course not fall nearly as fast… if at all? Verdict: RIGHT! At both public and private non-profit four-year colleges, there was a 6% decline in enrollment in the fall of 2024. For 46 states, Inside Higher Ed found the average drop was almost 7%. What about costs? In 2024-25, average tuition and fees increased by 2.7% for in-state students at public four-year institutions, and by 3.9% for students at private nonprofit four-year institutions, before adjusting for inflation.

Minnesota State GovernmentComplete DFL control will end — it has to! Verdict: Unfortunately, TBD. If you live here (or, if not, you may have seen national coverage), our legislature is still completely dysfunctional — not even in session at this late date! Don’t get me started on this. [Update 2/7/25: progress! So, this pick could turn into a RIGHT!]

Anywhere But the CityWithin the state, the escape from the central Twin Cities to the metro area suburbs and rural MN will continue… Verdict: RIGHT! The populations of Minneapolis and St. Paul both appear to have decreased in 2024 compared to 2023. Minneapolis has had an annual decline of 0.44% per year since 2020. And St. Paul’s decline has been even more during that time, though specific 2024 data is not yet available. Meantime, census data shows the populations of the suburbs and prime out-state locations (meaning where property valuations are especially increasing) are both on the rise. The population of Crow Wing County, for example (which encompasses part of the Brainerd Lakes Region), grew by 3.69% since 2020, with an estimated growth rate of 0.61% in 2024. And, in a study entitled “The Best Places to Live in the Midwest” conducted by Consumer Affairs, Plymouth MN ranked among the top 10 best Midwest cities to live in, while its larger neighbor Minneapolis ranked in the bottom five. (Sigh, it used to be a great city.)

The Media Business …. Let me go out on a limb 🙂 — the media industry will continue to contract in 2024. Many more jobs will be lost. Verdict: RIGHT! Nearly 15,000 jobs were eliminated in 2024 across broadcast, television, film, news, and streaming — “extending a two-year run in which the news and entertainment businesses were dealt body blows,” as reported by The Wrap.

Not a bad performance for me, with eight RIGHTS and only two WRONGS (plus one TBD). But, as far as making a long list of predictions for 2025?  I’ve decided that all bets are off! Why? Well, with an improving economy, a promising outlook for increased M&A activity, and, yes, even a better environment for early-stage startup funding, it could be a blockbuster year. So, frankly, it’s beyond my wildest imagination to make predictions right now!

Yes, I remain, as always, an unapologetic optimist!

A.I. Startups of Several Flavors Pitch Passionately in Minneapolis

It was my pleasure to host an awesome group of founders at a conference on June 7, 2024 — all of them focused in data and AI. The conference attracted more than 1200 attendees. It was the seventh edition of the MinneAnalytics DATA TECH Conference, which took place at the Best Buy HQ Campus in Richfield, MN.

As a board member of MinneAnalytics, I again organized and hosted  a “Startup Showcase”  that morning. It was the 16th such session over the past decade that I’ve had the privilege of putting together. All told, MinneAnalytics has given a platform to a total of 139 startups in these showcases, which collectively have raised hundreds of millions in capital and created thousands of jobs. Already, a dozen of these startups have had successful exits via acquisition.

view of the crowded room at the Startup Showcase

Our startup session this time continued the strong attendance we had at our last event, the April 19 Healthcare Conference (which I wrote about in my previous post). Attendance was again standing room during most of this session, and even more crowded for the VC Panel at the end.

Please do click on the links below to learn about each of these promising startups! They’re representative of the wide array of data & AI startups that are popping up all over these days. After the event, I asked each presenter, What was one good thing that happened to you because of your participation in this session, or one interesting contact you made?


Luke Roquet, Datavolo (Minnesota & Arizona): “We met some really interesting people from across town, but hearing what Philips Healthcare is doing and how we might be able to help them with their image processing pipelines was my top takeaway from the event.”Datavolo pitching

Kristopher Purens, Uroboros Innovations (Chicago): “We made several great connections with new people and reconnected with old contacts. Really valuable event for us. Panel discussion was very helpful, too.”Uroboros pitching

Dan Feehan, Code4pro (Minnesota): “Fantastic event. Loved the organization and straightforwardness of it all and the complement of the panel and timely AI discussion. I also loved how easy it was to connect with folks and understand their part of the ecosystem. I even ran into my best friend from 7th grade that I haven’t seen in 30 years! Great job by all presenters!”Code4pro pitching

Michael Petersen, Raise a Hood (Minnesota): “We came away from the event with a dozen new connections — potential investors, potential customers, and even potential partners. It was a day very well invested!”Raise a Hood pitching

Jeremy Vaughan, Start Left Security (Jacksonville FL): “Great event, great community! MinneAnalytics provides an example of what other cities can do for their tech folks and startups. Start Left Security made great connections with new partners and even have some investors chasing us down now!”Start Left Security pitching

Toriano Sanzone, Dot Dog (New Orleans): “The Startup Showcase was truly impressive. I do wish I had brought more business cards and USB drives with my pitch deck, as the networking opportunities were exceptional. Presenting my company DOT DOG and Dog Training AI has boosted my confidence in the direction I am heading. Attending MinneAnalytics events is a priority for the rest of 2024, and I look forward to the possibility of presenting again in 2025.”Dot Dog pitching

Jolly Nanda, Altheia (Minnesota): “It was a great event. I liked the opportunity to connect with my fellow startups, VCs, and supporters. I enjoyed the networking between sessions as well.”Altheia pitching

George Asante, Affine Health Intelligence (Evanston IL): “It was great to be included in such a remarkable event.”Affine Health Intelligence pitching

My sincere thanks to these amazing founders! They pitched their hearts out and captivated our audience.


The panel following the startup pitches packed the room even further. The topic was, “How Are Investors Evaluating Startups in the Age of Data and AI?” After the event, I asked each panelist, What was the single best insight or comment you would cite from the discussion?

headshots of panel participants

Ryan Weber, Great North Ventures (Minnesota): “I loved hearing from John about Piper’s cautious adoption given security concerns and protecting their clients — and from Ryan Broshar about how one of their portfolio companies is addressing it. Also loved Nick’s comment on the due diligence “BS call,” where they bring in an expert to chat with [a startup pitching them] to ensure they aren’t just big talkers. We do that, too, but I never thought of it so bluntly. It makes very clear the intention of that call. With all the hype and new jargon, [such a step] makes a lot of sense in this age of AI.”

Nick Moran, New Stack Ventures  (Chicago): “I believe it was Ryan Weber that emphasized the importance of data in an AI strategy. This is an area we’ve been spending on a lot of time in as we think about defensibility and long-term moats. The comments really resonated and made me think about how that applies to our investments.”

Ryan Broshar, Matchstick Ventures (Minneapolis & Boulder) : “I liked the discussion around the adoption of AI by enterprises, and that we know they will be late adopters when it comes to any product they are building — but probably don’t know the extent to which their employees are already using it to improve productivity.”

John Gast, Piper Sandler (Minneapolis): “I enjoyed the discussion and appreciate how you moderated it, Graeme. It struck me that our collective remarks underscored how quickly this market is moving. We didn’t dwell on the fervor around LLMs in the last 12 to 24 months – instead, we had a rational discussion about the application of this technology to real problems.”

Really excellent panel! Thanks again, guys — and to all who attended and asked great questions.

I hope those of you reading this post can join us at our next Startup Showcase. Watch for an announcement in a future MinneAnalytics newsletter. If you aren’t on that list, please do sign up here. Join the almost 20,000 in the amazing MinneAnalytics community!

Hit the comments and let me know what you think, or if you have a question. Thanks!

Eight Up-and-Coming Healthcare & Medtech Startups I Hosted Recently

Among many other things I do, I serve on the Board of a wonderful organization called MinneAnalytics, a community of some 20,000 data and business professionals. The seventh edition of our Healthcare Data Science Conference took place Friday, April 19, 2024 at the Best Buy headquarters campus in suburban Minneapolis. More than 1000 attended.

In my role as Startup Showcase Organizer, I hosted yet another session of startup pitches at this conference. It was the 15th such session we’ve had over the past decade. (We do them at all our major conferences, not just the events we do focused in healthcare.) Not counting this session, we’ve now featured a total of 114 startups, which collectively have raised hundreds of millions in capital and created thousands of jobs. About 10% of them have had successful exits via acquisition so far.

Big Crowd

The startup session at the recent conference had what I think was the largest attendance of any we’ve ever done. It was standing room only throughout the two and half hours. I attribute that both to the quality of the startups, and to the amazing medtech ecosystem we have here in Minnesota.

The startup presenters and their companies were as follows. I encourage you to visit their websites to learn more the amazing work each is doing!

• Mark Summers, Dosentrx

Dosentrx web page image


• Tony Hyk, TheraTec

TheraTec web page image


• Jeremiah Scholl, AESOP Technology

AESOP web page image

• Keith Kallmes, Nested Knowledge

Nested Knowledge web page image

• Lia Butler, NeoPrediX

NeoPrediX web page image

• Laura Stoltenberg, Cryosa

Cryosa web page image

• Ping Yeh, Vocxi Health

Vocxi web page image


• Chris Darland, Peerbridge Health

Peerbridge web page image


A VC Panel Discusses Funding Issues

A panel I organized took place after the startup pitches. It packed the room even further — very little standing room was left! The topic was, “The Current Funding Environment for Healthcare and Medtech Startups.”

Panorama of the audience during the panel

I asked each panelist, What was the single best insight or comment you would cite from the discussion?

Frank Jaskulke, Medical Alley Association: “Having heard Stephanie Rich share that they may see 2500 companies in a year to invest in 3 or 4 — that really highlights the competition startups face. But it also speaks to the importance of engaging the right investors, not just any investors. A startup can waste a lot of time chasing the wrong targets.”

Stephanie Rich, Bread & Butter Ventures: “The biggest thing I was struck by was the interest in venture and healthcare by our ecosystem and attendees! The attendance and questions were amazing.” [Stephanie sat in for her colleague Mary Grove, who called in at the last minute with a cold.]

Dave Dalvey, Brightstone Venture Capital: “The tracking and market implications of ‘overhang’ or ‘dry powder’ as it’s called in the venture capital industry are important to understand. Too much or too little un-invested capital held by active venture managers, at a time when a new company is in the market for funding, has a significant impact on the pricing, terms, and general receptiveness of a fund manager to a new opportunity.”

Greg Banker, Vensana Capital: “I liked Dave’s comment about making sure to research VCs before you go out to fundraise, to ensure you’re a match for their criteria — or that you’re similar to other investments they’ve made in the past. For example, if you’re raising a seed investment and the fund you’re trying to talk with has never done anything but Series B and beyond — well, not likely a fit.”

We had some great questions after each pitch, and after the panel. Thanks again to all who participated and attended!

The next Startup Showcase will be held at the largest annual MinneAnalytics event of them all: Data Tech, to be held on June 7, 2024 at the same venue. It will draw 1200+ registrants and feature 40+ speakers, in addition to the startup pitch session.

Data Tech conference logo

If you’re able to attend, look me up!

A Great Way to ‘AI Enhance’ Your Headshots

It’s no secret there are far too many really bad headshots all over LinkedIn, and everywhere else online for that matter.  Wouldn’t it be great if something came along to help us normal people solve that problem? Talk about a huge market opportunity! Well, something did — and you can probably guess it would be… yes, we can thank our favorite new friend, AI.

Specifically, a startup called The Multiverse AI  has brought us what they describe as an “AI Headshot Generator” that lets you “turn your selfies into professional headshots” to “boost your professional image.”  Who can’t use some of that in this day and age of… yes, friends, I’m going to say it: Personal Branding. Some examples provided by The Multiverse AI are shown here (click the image to enlarge). some examples of AI enhanced headshots

Actually, it doesn’t have to be just selfies you submit — it can be any photos that include you, by cropping into those images to show just your head and shoulders. I know, I got to test it, and I don’t think any of mine were selfies. I hardly ever shoot a selfie! But I have lots of photos that include me. (Those cropped sections, however, have to be a minimum of 512 x 512 pixels, which was a bit of a challenge for me.)

If you follow my blog, you’ve seen me write about this topic of headshots since AI became such a hot thing in 2022 — namely, in the following two posts.

Generative AI Made Me Do it

I Couldn’t Help Myself – I Did It Again

But that was about avatars, which was sort of a plaything for a while — and I created a bunch with an app called Lensa. I sure had fun with it! This new service from The Multiverse AI, however, is a big step up from that, because it produces photo-realistic images that don’t look fake,  or created by… a bot?

How Good Is It?

Well, ta-dah — I’m debuting my favorite new headshot, courtesy of my experience with The Multiverse, right here on my blog today. It’s the one in the upper right under “About Graeme.” That image replaces the one I’ve had there for more years than I can remember. So, kudos to The Multiverse for finally getting me to update that old one!

And here’s a much larger image of all the best ones I got back after my submission, so you can see the variety their service produces. (Click to enlarge.) 12 headshot images of Graeme Thickins

So, What’s the Story on This Startup?

I learned it was launched on Product Hunt back in September 2023, with good success. Who’s behind it? Well, three cofounders you can see here. And a hat-tip to Tanya, who found me on LinkedIn and requested a connection. I thought it sounded interesting, so I took her up on it. Glad I did!

By the way, another interesting way to use The Multiverse — also a much-needed service — is to create AI-generated professional headshots for your team. There are so many startups — and for that matter, larger companies — who have horribly inconsistent headshots of their teams, or their executive lineup, Well, here’s a way to fix that. Yay! I’ll be recommending it — or using it myself for certain clients.

So… how’s your headshot?

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