Don’t ya just love intrigue? I do. Stealth companies are so fascinating to me — trying to figure out what they’re up to, how they’re plotting their intro strategy, targeting their market, weaving their messaging, etc. (And I’ve been involved in my share of ’em.) The anticipation, the wonder, the pre-launch tension(!) — it’s a great part of this crazy technology business.

Heard of Krugle yet? You will. Just got an email from my good friend Steve Larsen (formerly of Minneapolis and now Menlo Park), and I noticed a little link at the bottom to Krugle’s new blog. They’re launching at Demo ’06 in Phoenix, it turns out, which is just a few weeks away. And, wouldn’t ya know it, I learned my buddy Doc Searls has already been involved in checking out this new technology. (Smart move, Steve — but then you’re the best I know at this game.)

I have my ideas of what Krugle’s about. But maybe, just maybe I’ll do my conference-reporting thing again and get out to Demo and blog from there…on Krugle and more (hey, 70 companies are participating!). If you’ve been with me for a while, you know I’ve filed conference reports on many, many tech events in the past, especially as a contributor for Conferenza, where I got to meet and work with such cool guys as Gary Bolles and Shel Israel. I hope I can get to this Demo, because I sense it will be really, really good…