A new computing paradigm is entering the commercial market: quantum computing. GigaOM says it has real potential to solve currently unsolvable big data problems, without increasing energy consumption.

Vern Brownell, CEO of D-Wave, is giving us a hint of how it will change what’s possible for big data. Think in terms of leaving Moore's Law far, far behind and a unit being a "qubit", the quantum computing analog of the classical bit.

Fascinating interview — and, yes, there was talk that quantum computing as a service (QCaaS) will be happening! Here's the video.

Computing That Will Blow Your Mind #gigaomlive

(UPDATE: For more on quantum computing, read this detailed interview that appeared recently in The Washington Post — natch, as Jeff Bezos is an investor in D-Wave and now owns the paper!: This company sold Google a quantum computer. Here’s how it works.

But, before you believe all the hype, also read an article that my smart friend Jason Baker, CTO of Asset Record Co., shared with me in real time via Facebook message while I was blogging about this session. It was published just a month ago in IEEE Spectrum: D-Wave's Quantum Computing Claim Disputed Again.)