Here are some of my pix from the opening reception at DEMO ’08. The venue was great (again), and the turnout was big.

1) View from my window…. Demovenue

2) Let’s get this party started…. Demoparty1

3) The mob converges…. Demoparty2

4) The bar tries hard to keep up…. Demoparty3

5) Gary Bolles and Dan Gillmor…. Demobollesgillmor

6) Dan Farber, Steve Larsen, Gary Bolles…. Demofarberlarsenbolles

7) Kevin Dorren, Nigel Eccles (both of HubDub), Steve Larsen, Miko Mentz…. Demohubdublarsenmentz_2

8) Renee Blodgett and Stuart  Cohen of SpeakLike….

UPDATE 1/29:  Oops, sorry, that was Sanford Cohen…it was late when  I did this  🙂Demoblodgettcohen