It’s all on Twitter — 38 more companies who pitched yesterday.  It was another amazing, rapid-fire blast of innovation, both morning and afternoon.  I tried to capture the essence of each pitch in the length of a single tweet, including the domain of each (without the .com).  That was challenging — as I told Walt Mossberg yesterday when he leaned over and asked, "What are you Twittering?"  Abbreviations became the order of the day, too.

Microblogging seems made for such an event, now that I’ve tried it, at least if you want to cover all 77 companies (which I was determined to do).  That and in some general photos, which I have up on Flickr. (Thankfully, I didn’t try to push myself to photograph every single presenter!)  Let me know what you think.  Lots more available at, of course.  What companies jump out at you?