Just saw the story pop up on CNet about last night’s DEMO 2006 recap dinner, at which the show’s producer, Chris Shipley, gave out the event’s legendary “Demo God” awards. [I was on a plane home at the time, writing another blog post.] Demograemesview No surprise that Krugle was one winner, for their game-changing open-source code search engine. They were definitely a pick of mine (see previous post from early this morning), as was the “Pleo” robotic toy (how could that miss?). But, wow, the fact that enterprise software and services companies dominated the list so much — that shocks me! I liked some of these winners, but the buzz just wasn’t there, IMHO. The fact that none of the consumer-services companies — zip! — made the list leaves me wondering: huh? That category was the dominant one. So much for Web 2.0/social networking at Demo, I guess (well, for their CEOs being top-notch presenters, anyway). I thought some did great pitches, and I blogged about several of these consumer services companies in previous posts from the event (scroll down to see): Vizrea, SmileBox, Tiny Pictures, Kaboodle, LocaModa, TagWorld, Blurb, GarageBand.com, EQO Communications. Hey, we wuz robbed… 🙂
