With all the reliance we place on online communications today, it’s so easy to forget how important it is to break away and get facetime with people — and I’m talking specifically with lots of ’em, at events and conferences. Sometimes we have to force ourselves to do this, to leave the routine behind, but the payoff is great. I learned this years ago, when I found that jumping on a plane every now and then to attend (and report on) technology events energized me like nothing else. You just can’t beat getting into the middle of such gatherings of smart people and movers and shakers in this business. It isn’t just the intelligence you pick up at these things, but you meet the greatest people. I’ve compared it before to this, but it’s like to going to camp. Some of my closest professional colleagues and friends today I met at conferences, going back 6, 7, 8 years.

I’m happy to say now that the nice folks at Demo ’06 have seen fit to admit me as a press registrant. So, I *will* be blogging from there (and even posting in advance) — and I’m greatly looking forward to it! I know there wll be big energy at this happening. And I intend to capture as much of it as I can for you, along with lots of juicy details.