InfiniteGraph-logo On the second day of the Glue conference, somehow I was Johnny-on-the-spot for breakfast, despite the activities of the night before. (No, I did not participate in the hackathon — they didn't want no stinking bloggers.)  Schmoozing over coffee and rolls around the vendor tables, I ran into my buddy Dave Fauth, who was chatting with Warren Davidson, director of biz dev at Objectivity, about their new InfiniteGraph database. The company describes it as "the distributed graph database for the cloud and beyond." I decided to pull out my handy-dandy recorder (Olympus LS-10) and do a quick interview.

So, let's say you want to build the next big social networking platform, or have a project involving scientific research, intelligence, or a personalized Internet service platform. Then, bucko, you'll want to take a look at this "distributed, scalable, enterprise-ready, high-performance graph database solution" that enables (…deep breath…) "leading-edge innovation and real-time discovery of multi-dimensional relationships and answers from vast volumes of distributed and complex data."  Seriously, this is cool stuff. The company just announced, on day one of Glue, the availability of InfiniteGraph in beta….

Download or listen to Graeme's interview with Objectivity about InfiniteGraph (MP3)"