Reflections & analysis about innovation, technology, startups, investing, healthcare, and more .... with a focus on Minnesota, Land of 10,000 Lakes. Blogging continuously since 2005.

My Flickr Set on TechCrunch50 (Sept 10 only)

Been traveling today, gratefully escaping from SF this morning, but had some time to upload at least some of my pix from yesterday.  They’re here on this Flickr set, and I will add more to it later…I was shooting with a couple of cameras. Techcrunch50091008
Here’s one of the Grand PooBah Himself, the Honorable Mr. Arrington.  I shot a bunch of other stuff…including the Seesmic party, which I hung at last night for as long as I could stand it.  Did run into Stewart Alsop there, though, and had a nice chat.  More soon on the topic of TC50 vs DEMO….

1 Comment

  1. James Ramirez

    Great photos! I would of loved to be at the event – darn! This is my first time on your blog but I’m a techy, and I surf (there’s not too many of us) so I will absolutely be back. You might want to take a look at John Assaraf’s new book “The Answer”

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