If you’re new to my blog, you won’t notice, of course — but a few days ago, I changed the name from “Graeme Blogs Here,” which was at best a placeholder. Naming a blog is hard, because blogging forces things into micro-niches. And I have waay too many interests to pick only one thing to blog about. So, initially, I could come up with only a generic name. Now, I’ve decided to focus on my two greatest interests, technology (work) and surfing (personal), including surf photography, and to try to come up with some sort of blog-blend that will work and keep things interesting. What do I mean by “tech”? Well, innovation, computing trends, entrepreneurship, productivity, venture capital, and the world of startups — where I’ve been focused now for decades.

Blogs are all about passion. And that’s one of the reasons I wrote in my now famous (infamous?) piece on DarwinMag.com several months ago that business and blogging don’t mix: businesses don’t do passion; people do. When I really thought about my own personal blog, I couldn’t come up with two better things to try blogging about than these lifelong passions. So, off we go with the new moniker…granted, an experiment, but one I expect to have fun with.