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PC Forum: Security Panel Nuggets

Tuesday’s first panel looked at what individuals can do about online security versus government. Didn’t really get an answer to that, except for a rambling question (comment?) from the audience at the end, by David Kirkpatrick of Fortune, which began with him saying, “If consumers are in charge of security, we’re in big trouble.” A few comments earlier by panelist Stratton Sclavos of Verisign were interesting, however. “Our biggest worry is, in the race, can we stay ahead? The cleverness continues.” He also said, shockingly, that security issues on the ‘Net are getting to the point that Versign has “to overprovision our infrastructure by 150 times” to defend against it. Moderator Esther Dyson asked, “Did you say 150x, not 150%?” (The answer was yes, 150x.) “And it’s a big, big burden.” Want another shocking stat? “Our .com registrations have soared recently from 4 or 5 thousand a week to 7 million a week,” Sclavos said — just from all the interest in “monetizing search traffic.” The question then became, how many of these are legitimate vs. potential security problems. Sclavos basically returned the question, asking “What is ‘legitimate’ use? How do we decide?”


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