Reflections & analysis about innovation, technology, startups, investing, healthcare, and more .... with a focus on Minnesota, Land of 10,000 Lakes. Blogging continuously since 2005.

Ping This!

So I was thinking earlier today about how I can ping all the blog-search sites each time I do a blog post — you know, so people can actually find me here in my little corner of the bloated blogosphere. I’d already been pinging Technorati, manually, each time I did a post. Or at least trying to remember to go get the url and paste it in before I hit “publish.” But I’d been realizing there are many other sites that I really should be pinging in addition to that one. And, I’m thinking, there has to be a way to more easily do this — maybe just pasting in a whole lot of urls at once, at least. Then I go do a Yahoo! search on “pinging blog-search sites” or something like that. And, whoa! Up comes “Ping-O-Matic” — I kid you not! What a cool name (and I say that as someone who’s done a lot of naming work). You just check the boxes for the sites of your choice, click a button, and, blam, you’re done! How easy is that? The developer sounds like he has one popular little service going there, because he’s been busy lately trying to bullet-prooof his servers — which, of course, I read about on his “Ping-O-Matic blog!


  1. PXLated

    With Expression Engine, that’s all built in. 😉

  2. Graeme Thickins

    oh, PXLated….you always have it all figured out

    what can I say, this Blog Thang is kinda new to me 🙂
    okay, I’m a Typepad hoser/wanna-be, what can I say?
    but I do have a “Pro” account now! so, does that
    mean the chicks will now dig (digg?) me?

    plus, I just wanna *write*, dude — i.e., make it easy,
    keep me from the details….oh, God, please don’t make
    me code! (if I can help it) English is enough “coding”
    for me to keep straight 🙂


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