Reflections & analysis about innovation, technology, startups, investing, healthcare, and more .... with a focus on Minnesota, Land of 10,000 Lakes. Blogging continuously since 2005.

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Actually, I’d rather you subscribe to my RSS feed. But, what the heck, subscribe to this, too! Just click on the blue bar near the top of my sidebar to the right. It lets you add a widget of my blog headlines to your own blog or web site, courtesy of Widgetbox. Blidgetgraphic I saw this company debut at DEMO last year. They thought widgets were gonna be big….and they were right! The company’s been going great guns since then, becoming an amazing source of every kind of widget imaginable. They partnered with Typepad to introduce this “blidget” (blog+widget) concept. Mine looks like this:


For some reason, my photo was showing up in it fine at first, but then it wasn’t. Are you seeing it on my blidget? The one I chose, naturally, is the infamous hat & lei photo of me above in my header, shot while partyin’ on Maui about 10 years ago…


  1. esteban

    hi im a bodyboarder from south america i want to surf here do u know if there some places like artificial waves or lakes with waves goods for the bodyboarding thank u!

  2. Graeme Thickins

    hi, Esteban — happy to help! when you say “here,” do you mean in Minnesota, or just anywhere in the U.S.? there are waves pools in several places in the U.S., though many of them may leave something to be desired for serious bodyboarding, from what I’ve seen and heard … I’ve heard of wave pools in Palm Springs, CA … Arizona … Edmonton, Alberta, Canada … even in Florida (and there are many more, I’m sure)

    check out the world-class park that’s supposed to open soon in Orlando, FL — see … and that firm is planning other parks as well

    as far as MN, there’s a new wave pool near the Mall of America in Bloomington, MN — it’s at an indoor resort called the Grand Lodge …try Googling that … an impressive looking wave in the promotional materials, for either bodyboarding or stand-up surfing … but it’s a pricey ticket — even if you’re experienced, they charge $148! which includes mandatory training sessions

    or, if you’re really adventuresome, get a 6-mil wetsuit w/attached hood, plus booties and gloves, and try paddling out on Lake Superior in and around Duluth, MN….see my recent post:

    also see the sidebar of my blog for an excellent book on Great Lakes surfing … there are many places on Lake Michigan and the other lakes that you could try

    let me know how you do!

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