Time again, friends, to get away from tech for a while. Too much tech makes Jack a dull boy… And I can’t think of a better way to do it than to help spread the word about a great new web site Jim Moriarty and crew just launched at The Surfrider Foundation. Talk about setting a new bar for the .org world! But, then, I knew Jim would make good things happen when he took the helm as Executive Director several months ago, with his background as a tech and Internet startup exec, combined with his love of surfing. The man found his dream job, and ya gotta love that — one that could benefit greatly from both his leadership skills and his tech Surfriderlogo_2experience. This is no small organization Jim heads: 50,000 members and 63 chapters worldwide. More about the organization is here (including a photo of Jim with board). Not only is the new site a visual delight, but so much more excellent content and functionality was added, including the new wrinkle Jim immediately added when he came on board (so to speak): a blog! And he describes more about the all-new web site in this blog post. I’m impressed! As a long-standing, card-carrying member, I say this new site takes the lead in bringing non-profit, volunteer activism into the 21st Century. Congrats and mega-kudos to you, Jim, and everyone at the Surfrider Foundation (located in my favorite coastal town of San Clemente, CA).

And if this isn’t enough to prove that surfing and tech really do mix…

Here’s more! Check out this great story from the LA Times: The Suits Are All Wet at These Board Meetings (requires free registration). You have to love the subhead, too: “Forget golf, biotech executives and scientists go surfing to network and strike deals.”