Adaptiveblue is launching its blueorganizer Firefox extension at DEMOfall next week. Chris Shipley, executive producer of the conference, said it will give us a “glimpse of powerful semantic Web technologies to come.”

Adaptiveblue is a personalization and smart browsing company founded by Alex Iskold in early 2006. Adaptiveblue500w The vision of adaptiveblue, says the company, is to invent new browser technologies that deliver a personalized Web experience, enhance productivity, and save time.

Among other things, Alex writes frequently for Web 2.0 journal, Ajax World magazine, and the Read/Write blog. There’s more about him here. And here’s what some people are saying about the product. Amazon’s Web Services Blog recently said this.

Blueorganizer uses Amazon S3 (Simple Storage Service), which it calls “storage for the Internet” … “designed to make web-scale computing easier for developers.”
