Reflections & analysis about innovation, technology, startups, investing, healthcare, and more .... with a focus on Minnesota, Land of 10,000 Lakes. Blogging continuously since 2005.

Tag: AOL

Blogging Less, Twittering More…Plus YHOO & GOOG Are Up to Something

In case you haven’t noticed, my blog posts here are fewer and farther between these days, just because I’m so damn busy. (I’ll tell you why soon.) But thank god somebody invented microblogging(!), because it sure is easier and faster. I’m sure many of you have seen the accompanying cartoon strip. Twittertwittertwitter_2

But it’s true — Twitter has definitely allowed me, with my crazy schedule, to keep putting forth some of my observations and perspectives on the world around me. I’m grateful for that.

Latest case in point: I Twittered earlier today about how Yahoo’s already reporting positive results from its test with Google to outsource search to the latter. Well, it’s not really the company directly reporting that — rather, it’s the proverbial "people familiar with the matter," according to the WSJ. (But that would most likely be Yahoo or Google employees who asked the reporter not to identify them.)  A Citigroup Global Markets analyst even said this deal could increase Yahoo’s cash flow a whopping $1 billion per year.

Some would say this latest "leak" is all about Yahoo trying to get a better price per share from Microsoft. I don’t agree. Google has more to do than help Yahoo shareholders get another buck or two. I think Yahoo very seriously wants to avoid the Microsoft deal and is working overtime to find a better alternative.  And Google obviously has the incentive to help them do that. I don’t think the latest Yahoo move is just posturing at all. As the Journal says, the only other tie-up that seems to be possible right now is a deal with Time Warner’s AOL, wherein the latter would become a 20% owner of Yahoo. However, the matter of who will win Yahoo seems far from over to me yet. I like to think that News Corp. hasn’t really played its ultimate hand, for example. And, of course, being that they now own the WSJ, I don’t find it surprising that the writer of today’s article didn’t quote anyone on that possibility.

‘Defrag’ Conference: Brainstorming the Next Big Thing

Next Sunday, I’m off to Denver for a really cool conference called Defrag. (Here’s the blog, which will tell you what’s really goin’ on.) I’m looking forward to it, because it’s different — a smaller, more intimate kind of event. The kind of event "where you send your brains for a workout," say the producers. Defregconf
There’ll be a couple hundred really smart people participating, many whose names you would know. Folks like Esther Dyson, Jerry Michalski, Clay Shirky, David Weinberger, Doc Searls, Paul Kedrosky, Brad Feld, Jeff Clavier, Chris Shipley, Steve Larsen, and a couple of new players I’ve met in the semantic web movement, Nova Spivack and Alex Iskold. Denverhyatt
And that’s just a few I can remember — there are many more smart Internet minds who’ll be there.  We need this kind of event after Esther Dyson retired her great "PC Forum" conference after the 2006 edition. (I’m so glad I got to cover that one. It was soo timely, and everybody-who-was-anybody was there.)

Defrag is being held at the very cool, new Denver Hyatt. Here’s an invitation to all my friends here in the Minnesota technology community:  please join me at Defrag!  (At least two already are, and we’re flying out together.)  Denver’s not that far — and, hey, you guys need to get out of town once in a while! 🙂  I even have a special discount code that will get you $500 off.  But you have to act fast, since that expires soon: the code is "DefragMN"…and you can use it when you register right here.  I guarantee you, you won’t be sorry you attended this conference!  Check the agenda.

One of the three producers of Defrag is a guy I know named Eric Norlin, and I’m looking forward to meeting the other two. I met Eric back in ’99 through my work with Net Perceptions, and he’s become an even more plugged-in guy since then. He’s been in the digital identity business and has run other conferences, such as Digital ID World.  He lives in Florida now, but was in Colorado for many years, so has lots of contacts there. (He also was based in the Twin Cities for a couple of years, quite some time ago.)  Early on, Eric even worked with the NSA, so he’s just an interesting cat to say the least. It’ll be fun to see him again. Here’s how Eric and friends describe their newest creation:

Defrag is the first conference focused solely on the internet-based tools that transform loads of information into layers of knowledge, and accelerate the “aha” moment. Defrag is about the space that lives in between knowledge management, social networking, collaboration and business intelligence …. it’s a gathering place for the growing community of implementers, users, builders and thinkers that are working on the next wave of software innovation.

The sponsors of Defrag are BEA, Yahoo, Me.dium, Newsgator, ThinkFree, Adaptive Blue, AOL, Dapper, HiveLive, Lijit, Near-Time, Siderean, Microsoft, ZDnet, ProQuo, and Collective Intellect.  For more on the sponsors, see this post on the Defrag blog: All the Cool Kids Are Doing It.

And here’s more insight into what this inaugural Defrag is all about, from another of Eric’s blog posts,  Inter-Twining at Defrag:

One of the earliest phrases that I hit upon to help describe Defrag was ‘networked knowledge’ … That idea — that knowledge is not simply a passive, managed asset, but an active agent in a system that is working for me — is the core of what we’re exploring.

I’m pumped!  Watch for my live blogging next week — Monday and Tuesday, November 5 and 6. Take a look at the agenda and tell me what you like. I especially like "Social Networking in the Enterprise." Cheers.

The New Age of Advertising Is Upon Us: Opportunity Abounds

We are in a major period of disruption in the advertising industry. I have never been more convinced of it. Getting into the middle of the ad:tech conference last week (see previous posts) just helped me experience and understand it even better, up close. The online portion of the industry is on a trajectory that cannot be stopped. (See graph in previous post.) The movement toward a new world order in the ad business is a major, ongoing story, and I can’t help but get excited about the changes and the opportunity it holds for so many of us.

Let me digress a bit. This story isn’t about me, but a little background: I began my career in an advertising agency — at what was then a top Minneapolis firm, which had many people who went on to ad fame and fortune. Nothing beats starting in the mailroom, that storied beginning in the business, where you learn so much, so quickly. And I danced in and out of the agency business for several years, even joining a top-ten worldwide ad agency as an account exec for a time, on a major, Fortune 500 piece of business. Later, in mid-career, I launched of my own marketing consulting firm, actually serving as an ad agency for several of my small tech and B2B clients, among my other duties, for quite a few years.

The reason I had earlier left the traditional agency business was because I thought it was mired in old ways of doing things. It didn’t get technology. It didn’t understand systems and productivity and stuff — you know, being out in front with new techniques and computer-driven processes. It relied only on the ethereal “creativity,” and, of course, the old boy network of expense accounts and golf and long lunches. It was living in the past, on old glory. It lived and died by winning and losing accounts, of course (it still does). But where was the innovation that would move things forward? It didn’t take me long to know I had to get back into tech, which I’d gotten a taste of soon after moving on from that first job in an agency. (I had graduated to being a copywriter on the client side. Computers and software were so much more exciting.) Once I finally left behind the idea of working for a large agency and went whole hog into tech, I never looked back (though I was certainly able to apply some of what I’d learned in running the business I later founded, especially how to manage client accounts and make a profit).

Today, traditional ad agencies still control a majority of the business, and traditional media still account for the vast majority of spending. But, boy, are things changing. The light is getting brighter at the end of the tunnel. The newer breed of tech-savvy, interactive, digital agencies is on the rise, along with new technology-based services, ad networks, exchanges, behavioral-targeting technology companies, widgets, and much more. Acquisitions are flying about everywhere. The dynamics of the industry are in major flux. The old ways, the old agencies die hard, but they do die. They must evolve, or new players simply step in. I liken much of the plight of the old guard today as rearranging the deck chairs on the Titanic. Sadly, some will surely go down. But so many new players will attain leadership positions in the industry.

Nowhere is this trend more evident or interesting, I think, than in the acquisition earlier this year of Digitas by Publicis (say it with me now: poob-li-cees), whose leader, Maurice Levy, claims he started the whole recent big-acquisition binge. Digitaslogo It’s hard to argue that the man doesn’t see the big picture. This recent article in the New York Times tells the story very well: It’s an Ad, Ad, Ad World. And the larger story about Publicis even has a local angle of sorts, in that famed Minneapolis agency Fallon is part of that holding company. Publicislogo On hard times lately, the agency recently announced that its chairman, Pat Fallon, was handing over the reins to Publicis sister agency Satchi & Satchi. The Fallon agency was a strong player early-on in interactive, but later jettisoned that department to refocus on the traditional part of the business. I never understood why.

Today, there’s no denying the ad game is changing — big time. Online is the new sheriff in town. GOOG and MSFT advertising companies? Who would have believed such a statement even six or seven years ago? Are they agencies? Well, they’re being very careful to hedge on that question. Perhaps they never will be. Meanwhile, the old guard is desparately trying to protect its flanks, preserve its share, posturing and manuevering at every turn, trying to out-smart competition coming at it from everywhere. The dollars are major, so it’s a fight worth watching.

But in this whole mix, of this there is no doubt: technology is finally coming to rule the advertising business. The Internet changed everything, and keeps on changing everything. And opportunity is adundant for new careers, new companies, and new wealth beyond our wildest dreams.

It’s about time!

Update: To add the pronunciation of Publicis….only because I love to talk Francais once in a while.

Travel 2.0: ‘Social Networking Floodgates Have Opened’

So said Phil Wolf, CEO of PhocusWright, in kicking off his firm’s 13th annual executive travel conference. “Travel 2.0 is soon to become accepted practice. Last November, we celebrated Travel 1.0’s swan song. It started in ’95 was dominated by price,” he said. “Now we have other factors like consumer collaboration, recommendations from friends, and friends of friends.” Of the price factor, he made a significant point: “It’s now about complete transparenecy in data and pricing — which is code for ‘truth’.”

Wolf noted that ony 10% of online travelers now belong to an online community site to help them plan their trips. But he ended his opening remarks with this prediction: “Interaction with others will expand exponentially.”

I thought the bump music that came up loud at this point hit the mark: “Break on Through to the Other Side” by The Doors…who, incidentally, became famous not far from here. [Jim Morrison, you still rock…]

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Early Notes from the Travel 2.0 Conference

Well, the sun’s not up yet in Tinsel Town [no, I haven’t been up all night!], but I thought I’d do a quick blog post before I get to the opening session. After stopping to have lunch yesterday with PureVideo Networks in El Segundo on my way up the 405, I made it to the very crowded, gleaming Renaissance Hollywood Hotel (near the Hollywood Bowl) yesterday about 2:00 for registration at PhocusWright’s annual travel-industry confab. What a mob! Close to 900 turned out, huge lines, and the hotel was sold out weeks ago. Other press in attendance includes BusinessWeek, Reuters, USA Today, The Internet Traveler, and about 16 travel-industry press. Blog coverage? Some press may be blogging live, but I appear to be the only pure blogger listed. I would have expected more at an event that’s largely about how Web 2.0 is affecting travel. Well, I’ll try to uphold my end of things…

I see sponsors of the event include Google (14 people here), Yahoo (16), and AOL (7). Also having good representation, as one would expect, are mega travel powers American Express (24), as well as Minneota’s own Carlson Companies (5), which includes folks from Carlson Leisure Travel, Carlson Hotels, and Carlson Wagonlit Travel, whose CEO is speaking this morning.

Why so much attention focused on travel? Well, I’m learning it’s one humongous space. The event’s producers call it “the world’s largest industry,” and I see Jupiter Research just released projections that would appear to back that up. It says online travel will hit $85 billion this year, and $128 billion by 2011. That big enough for ya?

Stand by for my onsite posts. The wi-fi here appears to be good.

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