DEMOfallReception-250w  At the opening reception Monday evening, I ran into the folks from Rocky Mountain Ventures, and learned about the new product they would introduce the next day: the CaptureID Mobile Scanner. This company, based in Fort Collins, CO, is headed by a long-time HP engineer and inventor, Gordon Nutall.  And I also spoke with Ranjit Singh, COO, who’s a former Xerox executive. The beginning of my interview got cut off (duh, I missed hitting the on button in the glare of the sun!), so we join it in progress.

In the photo I took of the company’s on-stage pitch on Tuesday, that’s Gordon Nutall on the right, and marketing manager Lisa Milner on the left.  RockyMtVentures-OnStage In the interview, Gordon and Ranjit also refer to the company’s previous consumer-market product, the FlipPal portable scanner. The new CaptureID product being introduced at DEMOfall takes the company into a new direction: B2B and professional markets.

Download or listen to Graeme’s interview with Rocky Mountain Ventures about their new mobile scanner… (MP3)”