Reflections & analysis about innovation, technology, startups, investing, healthcare, and more .... with a focus on Minnesota, Land of 10,000 Lakes. Blogging continuously since 2005.

Tag: CES 2007

Some of the Great People I Met at BlogHaus and CES

As a final wrapup of my experience last week in networking of the face-to-face kind — in and around the largest trade show in the country, CES — I thought I’d do what I often do after these things: list the people I met. Most of the these were due to BlogHaus, which is the main reason I made the trip, and where I spent most of my time Sunday through Wednesday noon. Bloghaussign_1 I also attended an event called Storage Visions over the weekend, a press event called Showstoppers on Monday evening, and a party on Tuesday evening sponsored by Blog Business Summit. (See all my previous BlogHaus and CES posts. And my Flickr set, such as it is, you can find here. My friend Doc Searls’ set is sooo much better, and I actually show up in one of his shots. Also see Thomas Hawk’s great photo-documentary of the event on his very own photo-sharing site, Zooomr — and I’d encourage you to sign up for the service.)

Anyway, back to all the people I met — at least the ones I remember (apologies to those for whom I didn’t get a card to remind me!):
• From PodTech:
– John Furrier
– Linda Furrier
– Robert Scoble
– Maryam Scoble
– Valerie Cunningham
– Jeremiah Owyang
– Chris Coulter

• From Seagate:
– Bill Watkins, CEO
– Julie Still
– Brian Ziel
– Woody Monroy

And these others, in no particular order:
– Gabe Rivera, Founder, Techmeme
– Andru Edwards, CEO, GearLive
– Lionel Menchaca, chief blogger, Dell
– Thomas Hawk, Founder, Zooomr
– James Courtney, Skype Journal
– David Berkowitz,
– Nicholas Butterworth, Diversion Media & Travelistic
– Oluf Nissen, HP and
– Betsy Weber, evangelist, TechSmith
– Paul Loeffler, PR, Palm
– Mark Plungy, PR, Yahoo!
– Mike Terpin, CEO, Terpin Communications
– Jennifer Fader, Terpin Communications
– Teresa Valdez Klein, Blog Business Summit
– Sam Abadir, CEO, Broadclip
– Al Carlton,
– Sal Cangeloso,
– Sarah Browne, TheDailyBee blog
– Sandira Calviac, blog
– Rick Calvert, CEO,
– Kristian Rauhala, CEO, H2Oaudio
– Dave Botherway, President, Melbourne PC User Group
– Susan Fitzpatrick, CEO, Dateline Media
– Ron Nissen, investor, Bluebox Devices (Melbourne)
– Robert Yearsley, CEO, Bluebox Devices
– Benno Rice, Chief Architect, Bluebox Devices
– Angus Robinson, CEO, AEEMA (Australia)
– Barbara Adams, Australian Trade Commission
– Annette Ahern, US Consulate, Melbourne

At the Storage Visions event:
– Lee Gomes, Wall Street Journal
– Mark Walker, Seagate
– John Freeman, Strategic Marketing Decisions
– Tom Coughlin, producer of the event
(whom I already knew)
– Jim Porter, Disk/Trend (ditto)

Others I also knew but ran into again:
– Doc Searls
– Buzz Bruggeman
– Keith Shaw, NetworkWorld and DEMO
– also met Jason Meserve of NetworkWorld

Whew! I met a lot of great people on this trip. And I look forward to staying in touch with them. I know I’ll be seeing some again very soon at the DEMO ’07 event — for example, PodTech, the developers of the wonderful BlogHaus concept! What a super idea they had, and what a great client they have in Seagate who agreed to be lead sponsor. It was indeed a marketing and PR coup for them! Thanks again to both organizations.

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CES Post 8: Whoa! Cisco Sues Apple

Well, I guess it’s one more post from the airport. Cisco just sued Apple over the iPhone name, according to this Wall Street Journal alert that just hit my in-box here in the sports bar:

TECHNOLOGY ALERT from The Wall Street Journal — Jan. 10, 2007 — Cisco sued Apple for trademark infringement over the “iPhone” name Apple chose for its new cellphone, unveiled yesterday. Cisco obtained the iPhone trademark in 2000, and had been in talks with Apple over rights to the name.

“Cisco entered into negotiations with Apple in good faith after Apple repeatedly asked permission to use Cisco’s iPhone name,” said Mark Chandler, Cisco’s general counsel. “There is no doubt that Apple’s new phone is very exciting, but they should not be using our trademark without our permission.”


I was just talking about this situation with some guys last night at the Blog Business Summit party. I said Podtech had reported a source told them Apple had reached some sort of licensing agreement with Cisco for the name. Guess they were wrong!

I said I still didn’t understand why Cisco did a PR announcement of their iPhone line a few weeks ago, if they were in fact negotiating with Apple to let them have the name. One guy I was talking with last night said the December announcement was obviously them posturing to pressure Apple in paying more for the name — that is, to actually raise a higher awareness of the name being associated with Cisco, in an attempt to hold up Apple for more bucks. I said back in late December that I thought it was a really lame, kind of rushed-looking marketing intro. But, at that moment last night, I thought that guy might be onto something. He said they probably reached some 11th-hour agreement with Jobs since then for Apple to buy the rights to the name. But then I still wondered how Cisco would retract, or correct, that recent introduction of their iPhone product line…

Alas, this guy’s conjecture was wrong, too! The parties obviously didn’t reach any agreement at all. And it just amazes me that His Royal Steveness would have the cajones to go on stage yesterday and tout this name as his own! But, then, I guess I shouldn’t be. He’s basically just saying, “Screw you guys, then — sue me.” Obviously, he knows the market wants Apple to have this name, feels it’s theirs, and somehow this overwhelming force will overcome all.

This will get interesting, for sure. Unfortunately, we may never know how much he pays Cisco to give up the name. But I am definitely NOT betting against Jobs prevailing here.

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