Reflections & analysis about innovation, technology, startups, investing, healthcare, and more .... with a focus on Minnesota, Land of 10,000 Lakes. Blogging continuously since 2005.

Tag: Chris Gammill

DEMO 09 – Opening Reception, Interview 8: Coveroo

Graeme Thickins of Tech~Surf~Blog interviews Keith Jacob, head of business development for Coveroo, at the DEMO ’09 conference, which was held March 1-3, 2009, in Palm Desert, CA.

As I was leaving the outdoor setting of the reception, heading for the press dinner, I ran into my buddy Chris Gammill from LA, who’s here with covering the event. He introduced me to Keith Jacob of Coveroo, another presenting company, based in San Francisco. Coveroo replaces the original back cover of your mobile device or MP3 player with a custom version featuring laser-engraved artwork from your favorite brand, TV show, movie, or artist. (I apologize, my volume goes down towards the end of this one, but does come back up.)  I forgot to grab a photo of Keith, so I’m including here a wide shot as the party was wrapping up.

Download the MP3

Some of the Great People I Met at GSP and ETech

As a followup to my previous blog posts and innumerable Twitters (starting on March3) about the Graphing Social Patterns and ETech conferences this past week, I just wanted to say-hey to all those I met or ran into — at least those I got cards from. It was fun chatting with all of you, and I look forward to staying in touch! After all, we’re supposed to be "social" at these things, right?  In fact, please Facebook me and/or hook up with me on LinkedIn (see links just to the right in my sidebar), if we aren’t already connected (or I will do that from my end). Timoreillyonstage

Hello again to the following folks I already knew and ran into at GSP or ETech (listed alphabetically):
•Sean Ammirati, VP at mSpoke and ReadWriteWeb contributor (PA)
•Dan Carroll, CEO, Intelligent Media Platform and (formerly Minneapolis, now Mountain View)
•Rick Enrico, CEO, JuiceMedia (San Diego)
•Aaron Fulkerson, Cofounder, Mindtouch (San Diego)
•Chris Gammill, Web Product Marketing Consultant (LA)
•Dan Grigsby, uber-developer, (MN)
•Alex Iskold, CEO of AdaptiveBlue and ReadWriteWeb contributor (NJ)
•Jeremiah Owyang, new Forrester Research analyst rockstar (SF) Etechcrowdstage

And it was great meeting all these new people (listed alphabetically); apologies to those I may have missed because I didn’t get a card:
•Bill Binning, CMO, Jaduka (TX)
•Ben Benner, CTO, Jaduka (TX)
•Derek Dukes, Founder, Dipity (SF)
•Pete Forde, Partner, Unspace (Toronto)
•Chris Hendricks, VP Bus Dev, Travature (San Diego)
•Kristofer Layon, Web Project Coord, U of MN (Go, Gophers!)
•Ian Kennedy, Product Mgr, MyBlogLog/Yahoo (SF)
•Sanyu Kirulata, Queen’s School of Business MBA candidate (Canada)
•Vince Kohli, CEO, BizInnovativ (NJ)
•Chris Messina, Citizen Agency/ (SF)
•David Recordon, Open Platforms Technical Lead, SixApart (SF)
•Jodee Rich, CEO, (Sydney)
•Jeff Roberto, Marketing/PR Director, Friendster (SF)
•Jason Rubenstein, Cofounder, Just Three Words (LA)
•Todd Sampson, Cofounder and Dir-Tech Mktg, MyBlogLog/Yahoo (SF)
•Maria Sipka, CEO, Linqia (Spain via Sydney)…and she surfs, too!

I hope those of you who read this will let me know what you thought of the events (just email me at graeme at thickins dot com). Best of luck to all of you in your current endeavors! And I certainly hope our respective social graphs continue to intersect in good ways….


[By the way, if you’d like to get access to any speaker presentation files from either event, they’re being posted on the following pages, which the O’Reilly people said are being updated as speakers choose to add their slides:
GSP speaker presentations (this is the specific page at where speakers were asked to post their slides)
ETech speaker presentations (a page on the O’Reilly site that has several postings already, and I assume more will be added ongoing).
Keep checking these links if you don’t see what you want.]

UPDATE 3/10/08: To update link for GSP speaker presentations.

UPDATE 3/17/08: To give you yet another link to the GSP presentations, this one the official O’Reilly page, which recently went live: Graphing Social Patterns West 2008 – Presentation Files.

DEMO Alumni Party Packed ‘Em In

I don’t know how many people actually showed up last night at Zibibbo in Palo Alto, but the DEMO folks said more than 500 had pre-registered. It’s a good thing they reserved the whole place for this affair — bar, patio, restaurant — because they needed every bit of that space. It was close quarters! But fun, and I saw many old friends, colleagues, and clients, and met some other interesting people. I thought I’d come pretty far, flying in from Minneapolis just in time (and staying today to do some other business), till I learned some other dude had come from France!

The roster of company founders and their VCs and PR people at this gala was pretty amazing. I could name drop, but I won’t. You could look at my Flickr pix of the party, though, and maybe pick out some you know. The list of companies that DEMO has launched, over some seventeen years, is nothing short of remarkable. What a record this conference has. You can read all about that at And, while you’re there, sign up for DEMOfall ’07 in September in San Diego. I’ll be there with bells on.

Here’s a selection of some on my (bad) photography from last evening. Hey, it’s not easy trying to swill wine with a notebook in one hand and a camera in the other! ….while engaging in charming banter 🙂 Well, trying to, anyway.


Photo 1: I see the lights, I see the party lights…


Photo 2: My buddy Shel Israel, doing his best to hold up a structural support….


Photo 3: A lot of glassware was in motion….it’s a wonder he got through.


Photo 4: Chris Shipley, DEMO Executive Producer, gave a rousing talk, focusing on recent success stories of DEMO alum companies, old and new….


Photo 5: Chris Gammill (left) of Teleflip, and Eric Moyer of Boorah, both DEMO ’07 alums….


Photo 6: Kim Polese, CEO of Spikesource, and Steve Larsen, CEO of Krugle….yes, things were getting fuzzy at this point.


Photo 7: The sign was lit up as I left….just like me!