I was hoping to make O’Reilly’s Emerging Technology Conference this week in San Diego — at least to be able to drop in on the last day — but my schedule is now uncertain. Meantime, the best place I’ve found to get up to speed on what’s happening out there — well, a summary, in close to real time — is O’Reilly’s own continuously updated page: ETech Conference News. It’s written by O’Reilly’s self-described “PR gal” Suzanne Axtell. Nice job, Suzanne!

And there’s always the Atom feed, too.

ETech is the de rigeur geek-place-to-be this week, it seems. And thus you could read blogs on it all day and all of the night. Tons of bloggers there. I was telling someone earlier today, let’s hope the big one doesn’t hit San Diego this week, or we’ll lose most of the a-list and half the b…. 🙂