This BlogHaus suite is awesome, as is the whole Bellagio. Podtech and Seagate did it right. Here are a few grab shots, badly taken with my little HP camera, without flash mostly (so some are blurry). But hopefully you’ll get the idea.




Trust me, we bloggers aren’t wanting for much here. The aforementioned mega bandwidth, they gave us $25 in taxi fare each, plus we get a full bar, food galore, and lots of great conversation in between blog posts. The Gates keynote just ended….so we’re now getting ready for the onslaught of additional bloggers about to arrive. There are maybe 100 people here now, soon to be double or triple that, I’m sure.

The last two pix are of PodTech’s John Furrier interviewing Tim Street of French Maid TV (which was quite funny), and then Dave Winer and Doc Searls, old blog buddies in deep conversation.

