I’m really happy to report that I successfully convinced one of my famous-author friends to speak to our next Social Media Breakfast here in the Twin Cities. We call it "SMBMSP" for short, and this is our eighth monthly event. Smbmsplogo
David Meerman Scott, a very well-traveled and popular speaker, is the author of the top-selling book, The New Rules for Marketing and PR. Davidmscott_2

He told me back in August that he’d be coming to MInneapolis for a seminar on October 30, so I asked him if he would consider staying over another night if we could schedule one of our breakfast meetings on the 31st. Newrulesbookcover_2
He was gracious enough to say yes, so we got some sponsors, and now we have it all scheduled. It will be held at Deluxe Corp’s headquarters in Shoreview, MN, thanks to my friend Steve Neilsen, whose company, PartnerUp.com, was recently acquired by Deluxe. The meeting is scheduled for 8:00 to 10:30 am on Friday, October 31. Attendance is free, open to anyone interested in social media, and the first 100 attendees will receive a free copy of David’s book. (By the way, David blogs here.)
To register, go to our group’s social network site at smbmsp.ning.com (clip shown here), click on the "Events" tab, then click on "SMB-Twin Cities 8," and then look for the "Order Now" button. Smbmspningpage_2
Or, just go directly to our RSVP page. Look forward to seeing you there!  Oh — and costumes are optional…  🙂