The afternoon session is focusing on infrastructure and enabling technologies. Fusion-io was one of the brashest presenters, saying its silicon-based ioDrive "will turn disk drives into boat anchors." It has a capacity of 640Gb and does 100,000 seeks per second! Demofall07fusionio
The CTO and cofounder, David Flynn (on right), said a disk drive only does about 100 IOs per second — so, his ioDrive is 100x of that. "We talking about the equivalent performance of 1000 disk drives," echoed CEO and cofounder Rick White, pointing out the mechanical drive is just  inefficient. The solution, he said: "Put it on silicon!" With this product, "we can now put the performance of a SAN onto every server."  And, holding up the product, he said it "puts the power of a SAN into the palm of your hand."  For more details on what Fusion-io is up to, check out the press release.