Reflections & analysis about innovation, technology, startups, investing, healthcare, and more .... with a focus on Minnesota, Land of 10,000 Lakes. Blogging continuously since 2005.

Tag: ETech (Page 1 of 3)

ETech 08: Strangest Session Title Goes to…”How to Kick Ass”

Kathy Sierra was one of the speakers in the morning session of this second day of ETech. She’s a perennial at this event, though missed last year. One of the few women in this largely man’s world of developers (esp on stage), but she’s very popular. Kathysierraetech
Her thing is "creating passionate users," and who can’t like that?  Her talk today was titled to arouse curiosity, I suppose. What it was about, as I Twittered during her talk, is that it’s healthy to get involved in something that isn’t the main thing you excel at. She cited a guy taking pix of her in the aisle with a big camera on a tripod, and how he was a leading open-source guy, but has become a kick-ass photographer. Kickingassthreshold
She said it’s not about natural talent, but just the ability to put in time….and not about making money at something [oh, like maybe blogging, perhaps? 🙂 ].

Fast forward to the punchline: we finally got to what she was trying to tell all the hard-working, no-outside-life developers, hackers, and assorted geeks in the audience. It was to "get unplugged," get away from all the distractions ("partial attentions") we all have in our lives, and "focus on the things you care about." 

Ah, surfing…it won’t be long now. (Sorry, couldn’t resist.)

GSP West 08: Hot and Cold

It’s a hot conference, and what do I get?  A damn cold!  And I just had a doozer back in January, too.  Is this the worst, hellish year for colds and flu that you can remember, or what?  It sure is for a lot of people I know….

Anyway, I’m sucking it up (oh, god, that’s bad), tryin’ to keep up…. I did my live-Twittering thing yesterday, after getting well practiced at DEMO. Gspopeningscene
See my 40 or 50 something tweets (I lost count) here.  Then chatted over wine with Aaron Fulkerson (MindTouch), Dan Carroll (, former Twin Citian, now Mountain View), Chris Messina (DISO guy), Maria Sipka (Linquia, a fellow Aussie and surfer), Chris Gammill (a buddy from LA), and others — all while uploading my pix on Flickr. Gspplatformwars

Afterwards, attended part of AppNite (couple of cool ones!), then managed to hear most of Tim O’Reilly’s keynote at 8:00 — it was good, very inspired. Tim is amazing. Took a lot of notes, but was all out of Twitter juice by that time. So, dragged myself back to my hotel (a very cool little boutique place called the Sophia). Now it’s Tuesday morning, and I’m seriously looking for a Walgreens so I can load up on cold medicine…  🙁

Feeding Frenzy’s Started on FriendFeed

Or so declares Fred Wilson. And I see Josh Kopelman’s on it, too. (Wonder which guy funded it, or both?) Friendfeedlogo_4
A buddy of mine gave me the heads-up in a comment a couple hours ago, to my previous post (see below), saying this could be the next big thing at SXSW. 

What is it about this time of year?  The Web 2.0 crowd just needs something new to get ’em talking?  Okay, I’m tryin’ it — gotta see what this is about.  Only took me a minute or two to set up my FriendFeed account. Looks kinda like a Twitter that ate its Wheaties…  🙂

Except, this year, aren’t they jumping the gun a bit?  ETech and GSP come first, next week, ahead of SXSW.  Anyone know how far in advance of SXSW it was last year when Twitter went live?  Should be fun to see how long this one will take to break… 🙂

UPDATE (1:30 pm CST): Well, we now have the skinny on who’s behind this one — my friend Brian Solis just posted.


ETech: My Review for Conferenza

Well, ETech was a wrap Thursday afternoon, so Friday morning I was up early trying to net it out so I could file a story to my editor at Conferenza, Gary Bolles, who’s based in San Francisco. I last saw Gary at Demo ’07, and am looking forward to seeing him again in SF in mid-April at Walt Mossberg and Kara Swisher’s “D” Launch Party. Gary’s the cofounder of Conferenza, and the site’s URL is now The link for my story is here.

Update: To include the specific Conferenza link for my ETech recap.

ETech Day 3: Building Products for ‘Generation C’?

Matt Webb is a user experience consultant with a firm in London who thinks up new products for our connected generation. He said we’re all paid-up members of “Generation C,” a term he uses because a lot of the attributes of this generation start with a “c” … like Communities, being Connected socially and electronically, and we’re Creative, Controlling, and we deal a lot with Complexity. Mattwebb Webb asked the question, “How do we design for this generation?” Though he’s a product designer himself, he went on to say later that Generation C is capable of building products of their own, being so into social networks and mashups and things — so one wonders then why we need product designers? But that’s just the pixel side of the equation. We still need people with design sense to help us sculpt things made out atoms — plastic or whatever. Products are getting smarter and more social, with all kinds of networking capabilities, of course. And we have “new paradigms for interaction,” said Webb. He cited widgets, for example, which he said is such a great paradigm, “it shouldn’t be limited to just the desktop and web.” A key point Webb made is that experience is what counts to this generation, and “how do we design for experience?” He said in his wrapup that experience should be “treated as a design surface,” and that all of us in the room are the right people to address these new design challenges. One nice thing the O’Reilly people pointed out to us in the description of this session was that “people have been paying for plastic longer than pixels.” So, the business model is there! 🙂 It should be an exciting future for product designers, whoever they may be.

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