Reflections & analysis about innovation, technology, startups, investing, healthcare, and more .... with a focus on Minnesota, Land of 10,000 Lakes. Blogging continuously since 2005.

Tag: Gear Live Media

CES Post 7: Winding Down

This will be my final post from the BlogHaus, at about 11:00 am on Wednesday. It’s been great. Now sitting here with Tom Hawk of Zooomr and Andru Edwards of Gear Live and some of his people, who are all busy publishing. (Tom told me he won’t make his 1000 photo upload goal, but he’s halfway there. He only uploads really, really nice pix, though. Somebody else just said there are 30,000 photos now up in Flicker tagged CES 2007. Yikes! I did a bunch myself, mostly of the BlogHaus.)

Had a great time last night at the Blogger Business Summit party — met a lot of interesting folks. Then back to the BlogHaus, which was going at full capacity, Robert Scoble holding court in one corner, pizza in another. And lots in between. One new person I met was a guy who’s launching the first trade show for the the blog world….called, guess what? BlogWorld! Sounds like a serious endeavor, from a guy who’s run lots of successful shows — Rick Calvert is his name. It’s scheduled for November — in Vegas! Don’t know if there’s a site up yet, but looks like it’ll be at

Anyway, I’m going off to some other business soon here, then heading for the airport about 3:00. Just picked up all my email, and learned I missed the cut for a lunch with Guy Kawasaki in Minneapolis on the 19th, before his big talk at the U of MN. Apparently there were only 7 slots at the table, and my friend Gary Smaby tried to get me on the list, but too many muckety-mucks already, I guess… 🙂 [Thanks for trying, anyway, Gary.] But I’ll sure be there for the talk following, which is already sold out.

Guy should be very happy the temps are finally dropping in Minnesota (lows below zero this weekend, I hear) — because, as you may recall, what got him to our state in January was the National Pond Hockey Championships, which are held on one of our city lakes. And people were getting real nervous they wouldn’t have ice, with our temps hovering around 40 for so long. Sounds like the ice will be real hard by the time Guy gets here! Anyway, looking forward to seeing Guy again, hearing his talk, and seeing him play hockey.

Cheers from Vegas! It was a good trip…

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CES Post 6: Apple Fever Takes Over

Apple has sucked all oxygen out of the consumer electronics space again today, with an absolutely over-the-top keynote by Steve Jobs. It was fun sitting here at the BlogHaus this morning and following along with it all of it at MacRumorsLive and Engadget — which were the only good ways to do it, since Apple doesn’t do any live video or audio feed. Iphone_1 I was sitting next to Andru Edwards, the CEO of GearLIve Media of Seattle, who’s been updating his very impressive site all morning, while he has about five people continuously roaming the show for the news. He and one of his guys and myself were commenting as the keynote went along. Big fun. We can’t wait to get our hands on that iPhone! PodTech reports in a post today that the product will, in fact, be called by that name after Cisco does some sort of licensing deal with Apple, allowing it to use their trademark. (See my previous post on that.)

What struck me about sitting here in the BlogHaus conference room this morning — enjoying this big pipe we’re all on and following along with every word Jobs says — was the weird timing of the Bill Gates keynote from yesterday running in silence on the large screen in the next room. Interesting juxtaposition: two keynotes, world’s apart…. 🙂

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