Despite the fact that I lost my voice halfway through my three days in San Diego (some weird cold thing I picked up), the two O’Reilly events this week were definitely worth attending. I say that even though I wasn’t able to participate as much as I would have liked. Certainly, the networking suffered. I haven’t figured out how to do that without talking yet… 🙂 Gspwest08banner

I did live-Twitter the sessions I sat in on, capturing all the nuggets you can likely handle. If you’d like to see those, just go to my Twitter page. For Graphing Social Patterns, scroll back to March 3 and 4. For ETech, scroll to the March 5 tweets.  I must have written 150 or more total for both events. And there were some darn good speakers and panels, which I captured as best I could (in the requisite sound-bite form).

GSP was Monday and Tuesday, while ETech was Tuesday, Wednesday, and
Thursday. But I only covered ETech on Wednesday, which I had previously
determined was the most interesting day from my perspective.  I definitely wanted to
be at GSP on Tuesday, and I skipped ETech on Thursday for a couple of reasons: to go back home to San Clemente so my voice could recover, and to avoid another expensive hotel night. Etechlobby

I also posted some 118 photos to Flickr in two sets: GSP pix here and ETech pix here. Note that I mostly shot what I thought would be interesting to you: speaker slides, as well as shots of the speakers and panelists themselves, plus other general scenes — as opposed to posed/cutsie shots of my friends, etc… 🙂

Anyway, I found the programming at both events to be very good, and I learned a lot. Plus, I made a bunch of great contacts. (Look for that list in my next post.)  I hope you found my live-Twittering and Flickr pix interesting, at least, and (even better) useful.