Reflections & analysis about innovation, technology, startups, investing, healthcare, and more .... with a focus on Minnesota, Land of 10,000 Lakes. Blogging continuously since 2005.

Tag: iPod Touch

Minnesota’s W3i Lights Up the ‘Net with Its Latest App News

(This post first appeared on, a site about web & Internet innovation in MInnesota.)

Okay, so there’s this company named Apple that I hear makes phones. And people tell me there’s been, uh, a bit of news lately about some new phone of theirs? 
Well, that media firestorm didn’t stop Minnesota’s W3i from deciding to jump in with some news of its own, which is actually related to the exploding ecosystem around Apple mobile devices.  That would be apps.

St. Cloud, MN-based W3i is in the app distribution business — in a big, profitable way (33 successive quarters thereof).  But till now that business has been all about desktop apps, and Windows only. Well, mark down yesterday as the day they entered the world of mobile, with this bombshell: W3i Launches New Incented Mobile App Distribution Service for iOS App Developers.  A separate version of the release, for consumers, gets more to the benefit: Consumers Can Now Earn Rewards for Installing Apps.  Those rewards, my friends, would be cash — for consumers who register at a W3i site called

Naturally, app fanboys and girls everywhere loved the news — after reading about it on some of the sites they frequent the most.  TechCrunch (MobileCrunch) ran this story: Apperang Pays You Cash to Download iPhone Apps… Ka-Ching!  And VentureBeat (MobileBeat) ran concurrently — amazing how that happens — with their take: Get paid to install apps with W3i Mobile Solutions and Apperang
W3i-logo+tag Numerous other sites and blogs picked up on it immediately, and Twitter was going crazy on it (just search on hashtags #apperang and #w3i).  [Oh, sure, there was a story in the Mpls StarTrib last week, too, but that didn't light up much of anything… <rimshot>]

Apperang-screenclip I asked the CEO of a local app development company for his reaction to this W3i news, from a business perspective:  ”The model and integration W3i has developed for desktop distribution has been a huge success in the past, so I wouldn’t bet against them on making their mobile version a success,” said Wade Beavers, CEO of DoApp Inc. “For developers wanting to get a core base of users fast, it makes sense to use this service. The key will be how long those users keep your app, because that’s where the return on investment is.”

I also asked one of Minnesota’s most experienced iPhone app developers for his reaction: “Will app publishers readily jump to use this type of service? Small developers, maybe,” said Bill Heyman of CodeMorphic. “But small developers may not have budget to support this type of promotion… Will it be enough to hit the tipping point for more organic sales because of a higher App Store ranking? Well, ultimately, it would depend on how much a company wants to spend to buy a ranking.”

But, actually, W3i signed on some pretty successful big developers for its private beta before the announcement yesterday (the service is now in public beta).  That list of launch advertisers — just those that let W3i use their names for PR purposes — includes these firms, with the name of their app in parentheses: Big Stack Studios (Sigma), Inert Soap (FingerZilla), Booyah (MyTown), Gist (Gist), Thinking Ape (Kingdoms at War), Flixster (Movies), Slacker Inc (Slacker Radio), xCube Labs (My Health Records – Health n Family), and infinidycorp (Zombies vs. Aliens).

I’m sure we’ll be hearing about a lot more, as W3i tells me they are crazy-busy now following up with other app companies who are inquiring.

(Disclosure: the author has had a consulting relationship with W3i for providing PR services.)

I’m Liking This ‘Spark Radio’ App – and It’s from a MN Startup

Is it possible to design a radio app that delivers the ultimate radio experience, complete with visually stunning graphics and social media capabilities, too?  SparkRadio-200w Minneapolis’ own Handcast Media Labs LLC thought so, set out to prove it, and just launched the result on the iTunes App Store a couple of days ago.  It’s called Spark Radio (press release), and works on the iPhone and iPod Touch. It’s available for $5.99 at this link at the App Store.

I grabbed it the day it came out and have used it multiple times since, in a variety of situations — at home, on a road trip, even in a foreign country (Iowa) — and I must say I’m impressed.  Right now, I’m listening to a great station that’s all Grateful Dead all the time, which I discovered via the app. It’s called RadioIO Dead, and “Big Boss Man” has been my favorite track so far.  I’m on wifi in my motel room at the moment, and the sound is perfect — and I’m not even using an external speaker.  On the way down here to Des Moines, I used the app via my iPhone on AT&T’s 3G network (note: I was in the passenger seat!) to tune in multiple stations, including WSL in Chicago, and the sound was way better than any station I could tune in on the car radio.

Spark Radio not only gives you tons of station choices and social media features designed to make radio listening more interactive, but it also features visually stunning animations. Far out, huh?  Its robust, visual radio tuner uses the guide from a company called to give you access to more than 10,000 terrestrial and Internet-only radio stations worldwide.  Handcast says it’s adding new stations to Spark Radio daily, and will support more than 30,000 stations by April.  You can listen to precisely what you want to at any given time — music, talk radio, sports events, public radio, or special programming from around the world.  Its elegant interface lets you search for stations or programs by keyword, location, or the station URL, and you can browse programming by genre or location. (I’m still looking for two of my fav genres: rockabilly and surf.)  A GPS component lets you find local stations in any given city based on current GPS coordinates.

I took the opportunity to dial up the founder of Handcast Media Labs, Terry Anderson, whom I’d met in 2008, to ask if he’d be up for an interview. That follows.

Graeme:  Terry, I know you’re no newcomer to interactive and Internet marketing here in Minnesota. Give us a synopsis of your background.

Terry Anderson:  Well, I’ve been involved in technology for almost 30 years now.  I founded e.Media group in 1995 and we were one of the early interactive agencies in the Twin Cities, with a lineup of really great national clients.  That was incredibly fun.  I sold that agency in 2004 (it's now known as Idea Park) and have been involved in entrepreneurial ventures since.  I got energized by the iPhone platform in 2008 and have been working in that sphere since then.

Graeme:  How did you come to start Tiny Wonder Studios, and then Handcast?  And tell us about the rest of your team.

Terry Anderson:  Tiny Wonder is a division of Popular Front, an incredible interactive agency here in the Twin Cities.  I’m involved as a consultant and helped form the new entity and create Pixi, their first iPhone app.  I’ve been close friends with Laurence Bricker of Popular Front since we were young. Laurence is a true visionary in the interactive world and it was great to collaborate with him once again.  HandCast Media Labs is my own startup, specializing in iPhone applications.  I needed a place to pursue my own ideas, so started HandCast in the spring of 2009. We’re trying to push the limits of technology and creativity.  There are a number of people involved, but the nucleus includes Greg Sharp, a visionary and longtime partner of mine, and Jesse Hemmingway, who is simply the best developer I’ve ever worked with.  It’s an incredible group and we’ve been collectively pushing the boundaries for a long time now.

Graeme:  I grabbed that first app from Tiny Wonder, the Pixi drawing app (see screenshot), right when it came out.  Refresh my memory — when did that hit the App Store?  And how has it done since then? PixiApp-200w

Terry Anderson:  Pixi was developed as an experiment and hit the iTunes store about a year ago. (It’s available for $1.99 at this link on the App Store.)  We wanted to learn the intricacies of iPhone development and start figuring out what it would take to successfully market an app on iTunes.  It’s a beautiful and highly creative application.  It continues to sell moderate amounts on the store, but we never really put enough marketing energy behind Pixi.  We get comments all the time that Pixi is the best app on the store and we know we have a significant audience if we can reach them.  Look for a Pixi re-launch in the upcoming months.  We have some very exciting things planned.  One thing we’ve learned is that iPhone apps need a formal marketing plan, just like any other consumer product.  There are simply so many applications available on iTunes that you need to find a way to become visisble.  We’re excited about the future of Pixi.

Graeme:  Did you develop any other apps after Pixi, either for the iPhone or other mobile platforms?

Terry Anderson:  Before we began work on Spark Radio, we began a prototype of what I’ll describe as a geo-spatial game.  That project has been put on a back-burner for now.  I believe if we can make it work, it could be a mega-hit.  But the scope is very substantial and we decided to focus on titles we could get completed in a reasonable period of time.  Stay tuned.

Graeme:  So, let’s talk now about the Spark Radio app. What made you decide to do a radio app? What did you think you could bring to this category that others weren’t doing already?  Aren’t there tons of streaming radio apps?

Terry Anderson:  When we launched Pixi, we were overwhelmed with the number of people who asked if the Pixi animations could possibly interact with music from the iPhone or iPod.  It turns out that Apple has made that impossible.  We began looking at other ways to make that happen and came up with the idea of streaming radio, where we have control over the audio stream.  We knew that including graphic visualizers would give us a point of difference from the competition.  We also got very excited about the idea of global radio, and decided to include some social features to support that idea.  I think it’s fascinating that someone in South Korea is listening to a hip-hop station out of Paris.  We’re in love with that idea.  The decision to do a radio app was fairly pragmatic.  My research showed that this was a very lively niche within iTunes and that people were looking for quality.  While there were a number of products out there already, we felt that nobody had really developed a robust product with an elegant user interface.  We knew that if we made the experience more fun for listeners, we could succeed.  We launched two days ago and are already #32 on the iTunes list of best sellers, so I think we called that one correctly.  We’re very proud of the product and have some great enhancements coming.

Graeme:  How long did take you to develop Spark?  And do you have plans to do versions of it for any other platforms?

Terry Anderson:  It took us eight months to develop Spark Radio.  That was complicated by the fact that our lead developer broke his collarbone somewhere in the middle of the project!  He took a bad fall on his bike one night and it was impossible to have someone take over his part of the project.  So, say seven months if you eliminate the injury.  That was a tense time, but it all turned out well.  We have always planned to do an Android version of Spark Radio.  We’re very excited about Android and hope to support it in parallel with iPhone.  We have some concerns about the graphics performance on Android, but we’ll figure that out as we go.

Graeme:  Being a longtime promotion guy, you have a pretty cool giveaway going on now for the Spark Radio app.  Tell us about that.

Terry Anderson:  I hate to call it a promotion.  We’re simply giving away 500 iTunes gift certificates ($10) to friends as a celebration of our launch, so they can download Spark Radio for free.  If your readers want to participate, they can email us their name & email address and we’ll send them the gift certificate.  It’s a way for us to show appreciation for all the great friends who have supported us over the years.  They can send their info to sparkgift (at) handcastmedia (dot) com.

[Blogger's note to the FTC: no freebie coupon here — I bought my own app!]

Graeme:  So, Terry, what’s next for Tiny Wonder and Handcast?  What growth plans do you have for your ventures?

Terry Anderson:  As I mentioned, we have great plans for Pixi, and I wouldn’t be surprised to see it on the bestseller list by summer.  The success of Spark Radio has been overwhelming, but we’ll keep working until we get to the top of our category.  HandCast will be developing a new title soon and we’re also pitching some ideas that are too large for us to execute on our own.  Given the success of Spark Radio, we’re being contacted for some very interesting contract work as well.  It’s all good.


Thanks, Terry.  A company that develops apps “designed to entertain the senses” can’t be all bad.  And I like how Handcast further describes its vision as “empowering users to explore their own creativity by meeting their entertainment-on-the go needs.”

You can learn more at the Handcast Media Labs web site, and you can follow Spark Radio on Twitter and on Facebook.

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My Day in the Sun – I Mean, the StarTribune

Or I really should say, our day in the sun — meaning our whole team at DoApp (my new gig). What a bunch of great guys, and I tip my hat to every one of ’em! Especially our illustrious founder, Joe ("Google guy") Sriver, and our crack team of talented developers.

It isn’t every day you wake up and find yourself at the top of page one of your local daily’s Business section. I was even quoted there, before the jump. Here’s the story: Apple Shines on Minneapolis Firm’s iPhone App (Minneapolis StarTribune).  But wait, there’s more: another great piece on us appeared late Monday: Minnesota Keeps Feeding the iPhone Habit (


Having our myLite Color Strobe and Flashlight app break into the top ten of *all* free apps on the iTunes App Store, surging past many big-name apps — like Facebook, AOL, MySpace, Google, and the NY Times — has been a humbling and amazing experience. (We topped out at #8, after a wild ride up the charts.) We’re even ranked higher than all the apps featured on "What’s Hot" on the App Store front page! (Apple’s a little behind in updating that list, it seems…)

Go grab any or all of our apps on iTunes — just type "DoApp" in the search box. And reviews are always appreciated once you download ’em!  (Our apps are getting high ratings by consumers, which you can see via the independent ranking service, Medialets. For example, myLite is currently #25 of all apps — paid and free! — with an average rating of 4.5 out of 5.)

Our other apps are myTo-Dos with Email Support and Magic 8 Ball (it’s mystical, man!).  And DoApp has many more iPhone/iPod Touch apps on the way, in a variety of categories.  We’re even updating our first three apps with cool, new features. (One you get an app, you automatically get the updates — so sweet.)

Apple said yesterday the number of iTunes App Store downloads is now up to 25 million! Got an iPhone or iPod Touch yet?  Downloading apps like mad?  Tell us your experiences in the comments…

iPhone and Flash – Apple and Adobe at War?

Things are getting real interesting out there on the iPhone front, in so many ways. Here’s a case in point: this fastest-ever growing mobile phone platform, as originally introduced last year, did not support Flash (and still doesn’t), but it’s clear that Adobe, the company behind Flash, would sure like to…uh…do something about that? Iphonemultipleimages

Perhaps you saw the news that broke last week related to this. Here are the two items I caught:
iPhone Still Not Ready for Flash (from CMP’s funky, new Contentinople site)
Who Needs Flash on iPhone More, Adobe or Apple? (from the great blog "last100," part of the ReadWriteWeb network)

After reading these, I decided to ask a couple of my smart local buddies to do guest posts. First, my longtime designer friend "PXLated" — who’s an almost-as-longtime Apple and Adobe user and follower. Get this, he goes this far back with Adobe technology (I love this story): when he first called ’em for support, John Warnock took the call. [Yeah, for you trivia buffs, that was the founder.] I asked PXLated what the heck was going on, and if he could give me his take over the weekend. His comments follow:

Adobe’s been pushing Apple to put Flash on the iPhone and is using the blogosphere to promote its cause ("we need Flash, we need Flash", blah, blah, blah). Adobe and their surrogates — you know, the old interactive CD developers whose businesses went tits-up when the web took off — try to play it that Flash is a web standard and, to have the full web on the iPhone, you need Flash.

First of all, it’s not a standard. It might be ubiquitous, but it’s not in any way, shape, or form a web standard. There are many things delivered over the Internet (the web, mail, etc), and Flash is interactive multimedia delivered over the internet. There happens to be a Flash plug-in that allows it to be played within a browser, but it’s not "standard" web technology.

So, Apple has basically said no, the full version of Flash is too resource-intensive and power hungry, and even taxes desktop machines. Load up some Flash sites (or several) and it can bring your browser to a screeching halt and max your CPU usage. I’ve seen it written that it’s even worse on Macs than on Windows, as Adobe has never optimized the Flash player for the Mac. Then there’s "Flash Lite," a version that’s on some phones. But, according to what I’ve read, and what Jobs has said, it is too lightweight, in that it won’t render Flash sites as we know them — only ads and simpler stuff like animations. And it won’t even display stuff created in the latest version of Flash.

So, currently, there isn’t a version of Flash that Apple will allow. The full version of Flash is too heavy, and Flash Lite is too light.  Bottom line, there is no version appropriate for the iPhone/iPod Touch.

The current brouhaha is that Apple came out with their iPhone SDK, and Adobe’s current CEO said in a conference call last week that his firm would use that to develop Flash for the iPhone. The reality is they can’t without deeper ties to the underlying operating system, or to the Safari browser. That isn’t possible without Apple’s help and approval.  It seems his engineers explained the facts of life to him, and a day later he corrected himself.

So, now Adobe is back to square one.

My guess is there’s a lot of politics going on behind the scene, and some of it is historical:
1) Adobe raped Jobs in licensing fees for using display postscript at NEXT.
2) They tried to do that again at Apple for OSX, and Jobs said screw you and developed the whole display technology using PDF. He could do this because Adobe had opened the specs so PDF could become a standard. Open=no licensing fees… 🙂
3) Adobe probably pissed Jobs off (as well as all Mac users) when they were one of the last software companies to release OSX versions of their programs, and used Carbon (a bridge) rather than Cocoa (the native method).
4) Adobe then again took forever to make their apps native for Intel, probably further straining their relationship with Jobs.

So, basically, I would guess there is no love lost with Jobs when it comes to Adobe. Hey, they screwed with him when he was down.

The problems for Adobe are many. First, all their big apps (including Photoshop and Illustrator) are mature, and there just isn’t much they can add to them to make people upgrade. They locked themselves into a development box where they can’t utilize all the great underlying OS features to create a nice upgrade, either. So, their only place for real growth is to ride the next wave in computing — mobile — but they can’t if Flash isn’t as ubiquitous on phones as it is desktops. So, there are a bunch of choke points and pressures.

The iPhone points to the future and is a grand success, but Apple prefers to use and promote web standards — like Scalable Vector Graphics (SVG), Javascript (Ajax), and the latest in the HTML specs — rather than proprietary things like Flash.  Microsoft is introducing a Flash competitor called Silverlight. So, Adobe is desperate because they know the mobile phone/browsing market is many times bigger than the desktop market. If they can’t get Flash to be as ubiquitous on mobile devices as it is on the desktop, the jig is up and they could miss out on the whole next generation of computing. And all those Flash developers will have to learn new skills.

It’s desperation time for the whole bunch, hence the latest outcry.

Thanks, PXLated. This will indeed be very interesting to watch! [Note: I guess I won’t go long on Adobe stock.]

Not being one to ever be satisfied, I then just had to ask yet another of our mutual smart friends for his opinion on the news. Steve Borsch has an excellent blog at Connecting the Dots, and also blogs with me occasionally at Minnov8. He’s very savvy in the ways of Apple and Adobe, having worked for Apple for several years in sales in the ’90s. And he’s as plugged in to where things are headed in the new world of "the Internet as platform" as anyone I know. Here are his comments:

Any of us in the tech sector knows that shrink-wrapped software is dead; the personal computer will be less and less necessary going forward; and that multiple device types connected to the Internet — with most of the processing being done "in the cloud" or at hosted facilities — will be the way most of us get our news, information, entertainment, and social connections going forward.

As the Internet increasingly morphs into the "platform" for applications — either Web, desktop, or the new category of rich internet applications (RIAs) — runtime "containers" will be critical for any company hoping to be relevant, and Apple’s name has come up as one of the most absent players in this space. Ironically, iTunes is often used as the best example of a rich internet application, since one can rip and manage music on the personal computer desktop; share it within the home; buy and download music, movies, and video "up in the cloud" along with cover art; and subscribe to free audio and video podcasts.

Adobe’s AIR (Adobe Integrated Runtime) is an RIA platform with incredible functionality and the capability to "collapse" many sorts of technologies into a "container" that runs in a Web browser or on a personal computer desktop. Microsoft’s Silverlight takes a different approach (and many design tools exist for creating and deploying Silverlight "containers"), but the essence is the same: next generation hybrid applications that attempt to marry the best of the desktop with the best of what’s delivered over the Internet from the cloud. In fact, buzz has it that Silverlight was a direct strategic response to the ubiquity of Flash (which is on something like 97% of all browsers), and that Microsoft’s abdicating the runtime of video, audio, and animation to Adobe was a very bad idea…especially if the company was interested in cloud computing (which it is now!).

My belief is that Apple isn’t going to sit this one out, and the Flash controversy is all about positioning their approach (whenever it’s revealed), since they have all the building blocks necessary: the most ubiquitous creative platform, called Macintosh; Quicktime (which I’d argue is the best video container); Safari on both Mac and Windows (built on the fast, completely Web-standard browser engine called "WebKit"); incredibly simple "clip" technologies like WebClip (a fast and easy way to clip a section of a web page, and it automagically turns into a widget); and the fastest growing mobile device (iPhone); and many, many rumors of upcoming device-types leveraging the critically acclaimed "touch" technology used in the iPhone interface.

Add to that Apple’s famed ability to deliver easy-to-use interfaces to historically difficult processes and technologies. Probably my best example is the phenomenally good-looking movies and, most specifically, DVDs that can be created with iMovie and iDVD. Having grown up in the interactive space with videodisc and CD-ROM, I can tell you that creating and delivering a DVD is so laughingly simple that one of my non-technical friends (who can barely figure out the radio in his car) has delivered some of the best-looking DVDs I’ve ever watched.

My prediction is that Apple will be delivering different "touch" form-factors in the next six months (along with faster 3G iPhones), as well as touch modifications to their notebook platforms. As user-generated content continues to explode — and demand accelerates for tools to create and deliver it — Apple will be right there with what’s needed to create and deliver at runtime.

There you have it, folks. What my smartest, tech-savviest friends say is behind all this Apple/Adobe posturing regarding Flash. In other words, there’s a whole lot more than meets the eye.  And your intrepid reporters at Tech-Surf-Blog [wherever I can find them!] are out there for you, right in the middle of it all.

(For another take on Apple and its culture, check out this great cover story just published in Wired Magazine: Evil/Genius: How Apple Wins By Breaking All the Rules.)

Now, you need to tell me what *you* think about the future of Apple and the iPhone.  Don’t be shy — comment below and show your stuff…