Reflections & analysis about innovation, technology, startups, investing, healthcare, and more .... with a focus on Minnesota, Land of 10,000 Lakes. Blogging continuously since 2005.

Tag: Jeremiah Owyang

Some of the Great People I Met at GSP and ETech

As a followup to my previous blog posts and innumerable Twitters (starting on March3) about the Graphing Social Patterns and ETech conferences this past week, I just wanted to say-hey to all those I met or ran into — at least those I got cards from. It was fun chatting with all of you, and I look forward to staying in touch! After all, we’re supposed to be "social" at these things, right?  In fact, please Facebook me and/or hook up with me on LinkedIn (see links just to the right in my sidebar), if we aren’t already connected (or I will do that from my end). Timoreillyonstage

Hello again to the following folks I already knew and ran into at GSP or ETech (listed alphabetically):
•Sean Ammirati, VP at mSpoke and ReadWriteWeb contributor (PA)
•Dan Carroll, CEO, Intelligent Media Platform and (formerly Minneapolis, now Mountain View)
•Rick Enrico, CEO, JuiceMedia (San Diego)
•Aaron Fulkerson, Cofounder, Mindtouch (San Diego)
•Chris Gammill, Web Product Marketing Consultant (LA)
•Dan Grigsby, uber-developer, (MN)
•Alex Iskold, CEO of AdaptiveBlue and ReadWriteWeb contributor (NJ)
•Jeremiah Owyang, new Forrester Research analyst rockstar (SF) Etechcrowdstage

And it was great meeting all these new people (listed alphabetically); apologies to those I may have missed because I didn’t get a card:
•Bill Binning, CMO, Jaduka (TX)
•Ben Benner, CTO, Jaduka (TX)
•Derek Dukes, Founder, Dipity (SF)
•Pete Forde, Partner, Unspace (Toronto)
•Chris Hendricks, VP Bus Dev, Travature (San Diego)
•Kristofer Layon, Web Project Coord, U of MN (Go, Gophers!)
•Ian Kennedy, Product Mgr, MyBlogLog/Yahoo (SF)
•Sanyu Kirulata, Queen’s School of Business MBA candidate (Canada)
•Vince Kohli, CEO, BizInnovativ (NJ)
•Chris Messina, Citizen Agency/ (SF)
•David Recordon, Open Platforms Technical Lead, SixApart (SF)
•Jodee Rich, CEO, (Sydney)
•Jeff Roberto, Marketing/PR Director, Friendster (SF)
•Jason Rubenstein, Cofounder, Just Three Words (LA)
•Todd Sampson, Cofounder and Dir-Tech Mktg, MyBlogLog/Yahoo (SF)
•Maria Sipka, CEO, Linqia (Spain via Sydney)…and she surfs, too!

I hope those of you who read this will let me know what you thought of the events (just email me at graeme at thickins dot com). Best of luck to all of you in your current endeavors! And I certainly hope our respective social graphs continue to intersect in good ways….


[By the way, if you’d like to get access to any speaker presentation files from either event, they’re being posted on the following pages, which the O’Reilly people said are being updated as speakers choose to add their slides:
GSP speaker presentations (this is the specific page at where speakers were asked to post their slides)
ETech speaker presentations (a page on the O’Reilly site that has several postings already, and I assume more will be added ongoing).
Keep checking these links if you don’t see what you want.]

UPDATE 3/10/08: To update link for GSP speaker presentations.

UPDATE 3/17/08: To give you yet another link to the GSP presentations, this one the official O’Reilly page, which recently went live: Graphing Social Patterns West 2008 – Presentation Files.

Look Who Made the ‘Top 100 Analyst Blogs’ Again

Aw, shucks — I owe it to all of you out there, my valued, loyal readers….sigh, sniff.  Seriously, I don’t do this for glory, and Lord knows not for dollars. But it’s fun getting recognized like this, and it’s at least my second time, so I guess I should blog about it. Top100analystblogs
This rating system was devised by Jonny Bentwood, a really smart analyst relations exec with Edelman PR in the UK. [He must be smart if he keeps including me, right?] And I seriously do believe that Edelman is the leading PR firm in the world, because they keep showing that they "get" new media better than any other firm out there in my view.

I got a kick out of seeing my friend Jeremiah Owyang, out in the Bay Area, get the #1 ranking.  His Web Strategy blog has always been great, and this is the first Top 100 ranking since he became a senior analyst at Forrester, focusing in social media. They were very lucky to snag Jeremiah, and his blog is now naturally seeing rapid new growth in readership and influence. He’s also one of my favorite "follows" on Twitter.  The man is a social media maniac! And, yes, that is a good thing… 🙂 His research and analysis just keep getting better and better.

Jonny Bentwood (I love the way he spells Jonny) compiles his Top 100 Analyst Blogs ranking from an analyst blog directory published by Tekrati, run by Barbara French out in NorCal.  That directory starts here (with the "A" listings), and is quite comprehensive. [My two blogs are listed under "G" for the name of my company.] Barbara has an accomplished background in analyst relations, and has built an impressive business over the years, with one heck of a great web presence. She blogs regularly, too — of course.

Having been a freelance analyst and writer for some time, and having done analyst relations for at least one of the startups where I’ve headed marketing, I have a great affinity towards this profession — actually, for both sides of the fence. And blogging, I believe, has been a real boon to it, especially benefiting the customers, the users, of the research and analysis. And I know Barbara agrees with me on that.

I just want to say thanks again to my readers, seriously. It makes all the effort worthwhile just to get the emails that float in, out of the blue, from time to time, thanking me for my blog. (Just got one yesterday, from a smart young guy in San Diego who’s a fellow surfer and Surfrider Foundation supporter and heads a cool, new online travel business called Travature.)  I always welcome your thoughts about my blog, whether in the comments or by emailing me at graeme (at) thickins (dot) com. I really do appreciate hearing from you.  Cheers!