Kathy Sierra was one of the speakers in the morning session of this second day of ETech. She’s a perennial at this event, though missed last year. One of the few women in this largely man’s world of developers (esp on stage), but she’s very popular. Kathysierraetech
Her thing is "creating passionate users," and who can’t like that?  Her talk today was titled to arouse curiosity, I suppose. What it was about, as I Twittered during her talk, is that it’s healthy to get involved in something that isn’t the main thing you excel at. She cited a guy taking pix of her in the aisle with a big camera on a tripod, and how he was a leading open-source guy, but has become a kick-ass photographer. Kickingassthreshold
She said it’s not about natural talent, but just the ability to put in time….and not about making money at something [oh, like maybe blogging, perhaps? 🙂 ].

Fast forward to the punchline: we finally got to what she was trying to tell all the hard-working, no-outside-life developers, hackers, and assorted geeks in the audience. It was to "get unplugged," get away from all the distractions ("partial attentions") we all have in our lives, and "focus on the things you care about." 

Ah, surfing…it won’t be long now. (Sorry, couldn’t resist.)