My friend Steve Larsen, formerly of the Twin Cities and now CEO of Krugle Inc. in Menlo Park (that’s the hot code-search startup I covered at Demo in February), just sent me a link to this cute post on his company’s blog. Hey, when you’re a startup competing for talent in the Valley, you have to be creative. (It also helps to have a crazy blogmeister like Chris Locke.)

Did I just say that tech hiring is getting competitive again? Yes, if you’re tuned in to today’s world of Web 2.0 technologies, you know what I’m talking about. And it has to be getting particularly intense in the Bay Area. The hiring page on Krugle’s web site is here. Okay, so there are other reasons to choose what company you want to work for besides a “free house.” This outfit has many. If you know someone who’s looking for a good gig, I really think they’ll thank you for this referral.