Two great posts I discovered on the state of blogging, and a killer article link at the end. The first I referred to earlier, but it’s worth a repeat mention: it’s Guy Kawasaki talking about who controls the buzz these days. Guess who that might be?

And the second is a Wired interview of Harold Davis, who writes the Googleplex blog. He also has a new book, “Google Advertising Tools” from O’Reilly [riveting title], which I’m reading right now and which you should buy — from my blog, of course! (It’s there in the righthand column.) That way, you can contribute to my “almost making a living” with this thing….in your own little, micropayment sorta way. 🙂

But I must say that Harold is a bit less rosy about bloggers supporting themselves than the picture painted by this excellent feature article just out in New York Magazine: Blogs to Riches: The Haves and Have-Nots of the Blogging Boom. Haven’t seen anything that gets into blogs making money quite like this piece…