Reflections & analysis about innovation, technology, startups, investing, healthcare, and more .... with a focus on Minnesota, Land of 10,000 Lakes. Blogging continuously since 2005.

Tag: PhocusWright (Page 1 of 2)

Flyspy: ‘Consumers Take Charge’

That’s how conference producer and host Phil Wolf, CEO of PhocusWright, described this next session at the the Travel 2.0 conference. He said it was one of the sessions he was most looking forward to, and also said it could be called “reverse yield management,” which I found fascinating. No doubt about it, Web 2.0 and Travel 2.0 fans, airfare search has entered a whole new phase.

One of the main reasons I trekked to Hollywood this week to cover the conference was to hear Minneapolis-based Flyspy do its first sneak-peak pitch — a limited coming-out, as it were, within its chosen vertical. Whatisflyspyslide Robert Metcalf, the founder and visionary behind chart-based Flyspy, was invited a few weeks ago by the event’s producers to introduce his service at this high-profile annual gathering of online and traditional travel execs. He told me he had to think about it for a while, but ultimately decided, even though it’s still early (the site isn’t quite in full beta release yet), that it was just too tempting an opportunity to miss — to get the kind of reaction he could get here.

Robert Metcalf is a very experienced software architect and developer of complex web sites. [He’s shown on the right in the onstage photo.] He describes Flyspy, which he’s been planning and developing very quietly for almost three years now, as the hardest problem he’s ever tackled. “The way airfare data works, it’s just a very, very complex system. When I got into it, I couldn’t believe it.” But now he feels all the hard work is paying off. He describes Flyspy as an “intelligent, at-a-glance airfare search engine.” [See sample Flyspy chart, which illustrates the frequent peaks and valleys of airline pricing, and just how volatile certain routes can be.] He said his main benefit is a “dramatic reduction in fare search time” because of his unique charting approach. The site provides actual, real-time flight data, not historical or predictive data as two other well-funded startups do (and to whom he says he’s often erroneously compared). That would be FareCompare and Farecast, respectively — firms that were also invited to speak in this session (though mysteriously the latter didn’t show). Another key difference I learned with these two sites compared to Flyspy: you can’t actually book a ticket at either.

Though in limited alpha mode, Flyspy has already been discovered and reported on this year by TechCrunch,, and Fast Company, and others, and I’ve written about it here previously myself. “It just seems to resonate with people,” says Robert. You can find links to previous coverage at Flypsy’s “About” page.


Robert says that Flyspy’s approach provides “market clarity and market transparency,” resulting in “high customer confidence.” What he’s learned from a significant amount of feedback he’s already received from his site’s users is that searching and booking on Flyspy eliminates buyer’s remorse. “We allow the consumer to really understand the market for trips they’re planning and their various options. And that results in a positive transaction instead of a negative one.” In other words, it takes away that nagging, uncertain feeling we’ve all had: “If only I’d had more time to search, I know I could’ve found a better fare.” Time is the valuable commodity today, and Flyspy addresses that consumer need head-on, he says.


Flyspy’s Value Proposition
In his presentation, Metcalf said decision-making time is much faster and search much simpler with Flyspy than with all the other sites — whether you’re comparing to the old-line “Travel 1.0” sites (often called The Big Three), the airline sites themselves, or the newer so-called Travel 1.5 “meta search” sites. I guess that makes Flyspy a genuine Travel 2.0-era search site. Metcalf said Flyspy requires only one search, not many, to get the full picture — which is a major time differential. The number of data points on one of his charts would require 240 searches elsewhere. And Flyspy has the “most Google-like interface” of all the airfare search sites, he says. It’s really dead simple for the consumer.


Partners Lining Up Before Launch
Toward the end of his talk, Metcalf took the opportunity to announce that Flyspy has several partnerships in place, even before the company officially launches. Well, he didn’t actually name who they are — just hinted broadly. These strategic relationships include:

1) A leading business magazine, where Flyspy will be a regular feature in the travel section of their web site
2) A frequent flyer web site with 15 million page views/month
3) A leading blog platform with 50,000 blogs and 18 million visitors/month
4) A leading online CRM solution with 500,000 users, where Flyspy will be the sole travel partner
5) A major daily newspaper (circulation 600,000) wherein Flyspy charts will be featured weekly
6) An industry publication with a monthly circulation of 80,000

After this session, I grabbed a shot of airline pricing transparency expert Nelson Granados (left) with Robert Metcalf. Nelson is an associate professor at Pepperdine University, where Flyspy is a case study this semester in two of his MBA classes. He previously held a similar position at the Carlson School of Management at the University of Minnesota, and has also worked for Northwest Airlines.


In my interview with Robert Metcalf at lunch following the session, I learned he was approached at the conference by several firms that are interested in licensing Flyspy’s data, and also by at least one major, brand-name site that would like to feature Flyspy as its exclusive airfare search partner. “I’m very glad I came to the event,” he said. “I met a lot of great contacts and intend to follow up.”

Watch for another post soon recapping this high-energy conference. As I learned here, travel is the world’s largest industry. But the latest iteration of the Internet seems to be breathing new fire into it…

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Google Party Pix

Now, who would have guessed Google would throw a party? 🙂 It was a very cool wing-ding last night, at least for those in the know here at the Travel 2.0 event — that is, it wasn’t an official event. The venue was the Roosevelt Hotel, just a couple blocks away on Hollywood Boulevard. Very cool, retro place. They don’t build ’em like this anymore! I shot some pix on the way over (handheld without flash, so excuse the shakiness), including the lights at Graumann’s Theater and the El Capitan across the street. I took the rest of the shots around the pool where the party was held. The two guys shown, who I tipped a couple with, are Josh Steinitz, founder of San Francisco-based The Nile Project (also a surfer!) and Pasadena-based angel Mark Harris….my favorite nephew.

Speaking of Hollywood Boulevard, that reminds me of how bummed I still am to have missed Lou Reed last week at the Web 2.0 Summit in SF. One of my favorite tracks of his is “The Dirty Boulevard” — which this street sure is (but you don’t notice it at night). No wait…”Busload of Faith” is my favorite…no, wait….






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RealTravel Is Real (Web 2.0) Deal

Okay, you’re not gonna believe this, but the next company that inspired me to write a blog post I learned later is also headed by a surfer! Swear I did not plan this… Hey, what can I say? Surfers are really into travel. Ken Leeder is his name, and he’s the CEO of the most Web-too-oh-ified travel company I’ve seen so far here, RealTravel. I had a chance to chat with his director of marketing, Christina Brzica yesterday. [It’s early morning Wednesday now, the last day of the conference.] RealTravel is a pretty cool site, and a very good-looking one, too — featuring travel blogs, recommendations, trip planning, forums, search by destination or tags (activities), travel deals, and more. Realtravel

Some of you may remember that RealTravel, headquartered in Los Altos, CA, actually launched at the O’Reilly Web 2.0 Conference last year. They appear to have made some nice progress since then. Christina tells me they’re now approaching 2 million page views and 200,000 unique visitors per month. “Our number of contributors [as in user-generated content] is in the tens of thousands,” she said, “and we’re now measuring blog posts in the hundreds of thousands.”

The company does all this with only seven employees, which is pretty amazing. Talk about a great example of the latest Internet-startup credo, “Get big cheap,” huh? I also learned the firm’s chairman in Michael Tanne of social search site Wink.

Christina tells me that RealTravel just announced a partnership with SideStep (scroll down to see Press Releases), which will be noticeable on SideStep’s site in a couple of months. The firm has other partners as well, including Frommer’s.

In addition, last week RealTravel introduced a recommendation tool, whereby the site “interviews” you to learn about your interests and then suggests trips you’d like.

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Turning Tourists Into Travelers

Just heard a speaker I have to blog about: Rod Cuthbert, CEO of Viator — an Aussie surfer who gave a really great talk (easily the best so far this first day). There’s a difference between the terms “tourist” and “traveler,” said Rod, who splits his time between Bondi Beach, Sydney, and his company’s US office in San Francisco. Viatorbanner “Travelers want to experience their destination, not just visit it,” he said. “They want to understand the local culture.”

Rod’s firm (the name is Latin for traveler) was actually founded in 1995, so he’s been coming to this conference for many years. It fits — Aussies are some of the world’s biggest travelers. Viator raised an additional $6 million in Series B financing a year ago, led by Carlyle Venture Partners, with participation by Technology Venture Partners, putting the total the firm has raised at $10 million.

Rod said that most important thing when people travel is what they plan to do when they get there — destination activities — not the “mechanics” that so much of the travel industry is focused on (flights, hotel rooms, rental cars). “Teach your customers the ‘Art of Travel’,” he said, referring to the title of a book he recommends.

“Getting people hooked on travel is perfectly legal,” he said. “And true travelers will travel even when prices are high. They need to! They generate more revenue for you.” In the on-stage interview following (see photo), he talked about the “power of anticipation” and how travel sites need to appreciate this mentality of the true traveler. Viatorrodcuthbert_1

Viator is a comprehensive online resource for travelers to plan “the things you do when you get there,” featuring more than 4,500 destination activities in 450 cities in 75 countries. It helps travelers with a variety of tastes and preferences to research, plan, and book their trips. The company has 3,500 affiliates, including Priceline, Travelocity,, SideStep, Zuji,, and Wyndham Hotels & Resorts, and is headquartered in San Francisco, with offices in Sydney and London.

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Travel 2.0: ‘Social Networking Floodgates Have Opened’

So said Phil Wolf, CEO of PhocusWright, in kicking off his firm’s 13th annual executive travel conference. “Travel 2.0 is soon to become accepted practice. Last November, we celebrated Travel 1.0’s swan song. It started in ’95 was dominated by price,” he said. “Now we have other factors like consumer collaboration, recommendations from friends, and friends of friends.” Of the price factor, he made a significant point: “It’s now about complete transparenecy in data and pricing — which is code for ‘truth’.”

Wolf noted that ony 10% of online travelers now belong to an online community site to help them plan their trips. But he ended his opening remarks with this prediction: “Interaction with others will expand exponentially.”

I thought the bump music that came up loud at this point hit the mark: “Break on Through to the Other Side” by The Doors…who, incidentally, became famous not far from here. [Jim Morrison, you still rock…]

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