The two-minute pitches from the startups that will present this afternoon were great. Lots of enthusiasm and great business concepts. Hard to pick a favorite, but I like the sound of Illumio a lot — a project of Tacit Software, just coming out of stealth here today. “It lets users search each other, search your networks, for what these people know, what they have, and who they know,” said David Gilmour, CEO. He also told me yesterday afternoon that the public beta kicks off with us here. The product will be free initially. He said Illumio is “a Web 2.0 way” to extend his company’s proven collaboration software for large organizations. The CEOs of the five Gallery company (exhibitors) also made me want to get over and spend time with them as well, esp imeem and Bity Browser. Already saw Riya at Demo, and they’ll be a hit here, too, I’m sure.
