Reflections & analysis about innovation, technology, startups, investing, healthcare, and more .... with a focus on Minnesota, Land of 10,000 Lakes. Blogging continuously since 2005.

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Web 2.0 Expo: My Recap on Read/Write Web

Just saw the post up on Read/Write Web that includes my recap of the Web 2.0 Expo event last week in San Francisco. Web2expo Richard MacManus published his take earlier, then followed with this one that includes my thoughts and those of two other writers that contribute to R/WW and happened to be at the event.

By the way, congrats to Richard on the fourth anniversary of Read/Write Web! He’s come a very long way since those early days — from spare-time sideline to media property. Quite an entrepreneurial story, and one with a international component, too, since Richard has more of a global bent being based in New Zealand. Readwriteweblogo
Richard also used to blog for ZDnet, but now is fulltime on R/WW. What makes the blog so well followed is that it does analysis, not just news bursts about the latest deals and startup launches (though it covers its share of those, too). It’s been amazing to watch its growth.

Minnebar Rocked!

Excellent speakers and panels, and a great crowd yesterday at our local BarCamp event. More proof that we have a vibrant tech community here in Minnesota! Major expertise, lots of energized developers and entrepreneurs, and some exciting, budding startups in the works.
Also more proof that online and offline community can be mashed up successfully…. Minnebarlogo

It was great to see a top VC firm in state, Split Rock Partners, as one of seven sponsors of Minnebar. I told partner Michael Gorman he blended right in wearing a tee shirt and shorts — love that! 🙂 And I saw him in the Ruby on Rails session that I also attended. (We have an outstanding group of “RonR” developers here, by the way.)

The turnout for the GetGoMN session was fantastic, with Scott Littman and George Reese telling the story behind the recently launched site to support entrepreneurs. Getgologo175w Lots of great questions and input from several people. I’m convinced that promoting Minnebar on the GetGo site contributed to the record attendance. The biggest turnout yet for a BarCamp in this country! Yeeeee-haww!!!

Minnebarrooftop_2 Photo: Beers on the roof with event sponsors John Roberts (left) and Harold Slawik (right) of New Counsel plc, and Bill McLeslie of ipHouse. The event wi-fi was awesome — Bill hooked us up with 7 megabits of bandwidth. Gorgeous day in the Twin Cities — the high hit 83 F!

Minnebarintraining My favorite photo at the event: We start ’em young here in MN. Matt Bauer, ace developer just recruited to MotionBox in NYC (but he didn’t have to move!), shows a developer-in-training how it’s done. Matt had just finished his session on Adobe Flex.

Lots more photos on my Minnebar Flickr set. Other photo sets are linked on the Minnebar site. I suspect you’ll also be able to read some more about the event at the Star-Tribune’s Vita.MN site and in the Pioneer Press, because they both had people covering the event.

Coolest thing I learned at Minnebar? I met a former Google employee (an early employee), who moved back here from the Valley his wife, who was also a Google employee, and he’s about to launch a cool new web app online. Stay tuned….

Kudos again to the three hardest working event organizers on the planet (volunteers, yet!): Dan Grigsby, Ben Edwards, and Luke Francl…and, especially, a great big thank you to the sponsors. This all-day event is an annual thing, but evening events are held throughout the year, too. So, watch for the next “MinneDemo” and come learn and celebrate Minnesota innovation with us!

Web 2.0 Expo: My Coverage on Read/Write Web

My first guest post went up on Read/Write Web a couple of days ago. It’s called Widgetsphere: New Playground For Marketers, and it’s about a session I attended at the Web 2.0 Expo this week in SF. Readwriteweblogo The CEOs of two widget syndication networks, Widgetbox and Clearspring, spoke about how widgets are becoming a must in the Internet marketer’s toolbox. (I covered Widgetbox a bit back in September 2006 when they debuted at DemoFall.) Widgetboxlogo

Anyway, it was fun getting to Web 2.0 Expo and meeting Richard MacManus, editor and publisher of Read/Write Web. What a hard-working guy! And now a media mogul in his own right… 🙂 He’s based in Wellington, New Zealand, but flew to California for a few weeks to attend the Expo and do some other business. Clearspringlogo Watch for another link to Read/Write Web soon, a recap of the whole Web 2.0 Expo experience. And I hope to be writing for this great blog again in the future. It was also fun hanging out again with Alex Iskold, a regular writer at Read/Write Web, who’s also founder of AdaptiveBlue. Alex is not only a smart guy and a great writer, but a fun guy, too! We had some laughs at the party Tuesday night snatching appetizers from the carts as they wheeled by on the way to the buffet lines, which were waay too long to stand in… 🙂

ETech: My Review for Conferenza

Well, ETech was a wrap Thursday afternoon, so Friday morning I was up early trying to net it out so I could file a story to my editor at Conferenza, Gary Bolles, who’s based in San Francisco. I last saw Gary at Demo ’07, and am looking forward to seeing him again in SF in mid-April at Walt Mossberg and Kara Swisher’s “D” Launch Party. Gary’s the cofounder of Conferenza, and the site’s URL is now The link for my story is here.

Update: To include the specific Conferenza link for my ETech recap.

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