I don’t post music videos on this blog…often. Okay, never. But, gee whiz, a guy’s gotta take a break once in a while. Or your brain gets fried.  It’s late, and I just read something online where the guy says the Beatles are so great. That’s the second time this has popped up outta the blue on me lately — Brad Feld just up and said that on Twitter a week or so ago. And I don’t make it a habit to be reading about music. I got tech to cover! (and surfing when I get bored)

The thing is, Brad”s not even all that old, to go back that far, I mean….and he still loves ’em. I Twittered him right back with…"yeah, Brad, but can you name your top-five Beatles tunes in rapid fire?  I can: 1) In My Life, 2) Wait, 3) It Won’t Be Long … (continued in next tweet)…4) What You’re Doing to Me, 5) You Can’t Do That…oh, and my bonus number is I’m Looking Through You."  (Okay, I always carry a little cheat-sheet in my wallet so I can do that at the drop of a hat.)

And then, tonight, sitting here, I suddenly remember two more. Damn, it’s so hard to narrow it down to five, or even ten. The Beatles are the most awesome band ever…period. My favs tend to be from the earlier years, or mid-career. But two more Beatles numbers that I love, from the later years, just suddenly popped into my mind as I was sitting here on the couch with the ever-present Macbook staring back at me, TV volume turned down on something I didn’t care about, anyway. So, I click over to YouTube to hear these two awesome, awesome numbers…

The Beatles, again, absolutely flooring me, like they always did. George’s guitar, John and Paul’s lyrics and melodies, Ringo’s drums. They just live on and on and on.  I click play and…melt.