Reflections & analysis about innovation, technology, startups, investing, healthcare, and more .... with a focus on Minnesota, Land of 10,000 Lakes. Blogging continuously since 2005.

Tag: Twin Cities (Page 1 of 2)

Quick Video of My Pix from ‘Social Media Breakfast’ Today

Just created another Animoto video from the photos I shot at this morning’s “Social Media Breakfast-Twin Cities” at the Minnesota State Fair. What a hoot it was! I didn’t shoot all that many pix. I couldn’t — I had so many people wantin’ to schmooze! But, hey, that’s the best part. Sometimes I think, if it weren’t for SMB, I’d never break away from my computer….

For this video, I decided to use music from one of my own iTunes tracks. (Again, Animoto is a free service if you’re just creating 30-second videos, like this one, but you can buy an annual pass to create longer vids.) This video starts out with a shot of me in my cowboy duds on my deck before I left…

This was the 18th consecutive monthly SMB event here, which makes ours the longest continuous such group in the country! The day started out on a questionable note, with light rain falling as we all converged on the fairgrounds in St. Paul — in grid-lock traffic — for the 8:00 am start. But, thankfully, we had a big tent reserved for us in the Blue Ribbon Picnic Area, just on the north side of the Midway, so no one really got too wet. And the sun broke out by about 9:00 am, making it a gorgeous day at “the Great Minnesota Get Together.” Many of those attending the event hung around to spend the rest of the day at the fair…

Thanks to the Minnesota State Fair folks (@minnstatefair on Twitter) for hosting us, to Fox-9 (@myfox9) for the TV crew (watch tonight at 9:00 pm!) — and, especially, to my buddies Rick Mahn (@rickmahn) and Mykl Roventine (@myklroventine) and their crew for organizing such a fun event!

The highlight for me was the reading of the winning entries in the “Bacon Haiku” contest — one of which was mine! Myself and the rest of the 10 winners each got a cupful of chocolate-dipped bacon strips… mmmmm! And another nice touch at the event was Chris Lower (@MrChristopherL) getting our famous local No Name meat company folks (@NoNameSteaks) to show up and hand out free coupons for a package of their great bacon! Hey, now that’s social media word-of-mouth at its finest, huh?

Jason Kintzler of PitchEngine Speaking in Twin Cities July 13

According to ace conference organizer Jen Kane of Kane Consulting in Minneapolis, it's now a "brave new
world" in public relations. And to help managers of local businesses
and PR practitioners alike better understand how "new hybrid media
forms" are changing the game, she's flying in a
national speaker who's an expert on the subject. 

JasonKintzlerPitchEngine-logo Called "PR 2.0: The New Tools of the Trade," the event will be held Monday July 13 from 8:00 am till 4:00 pm at the Westin Galleria, 3201 Galleria, in Edina, MN 55435. Jason Kintzler, founder and CEO of
PitchEngine, is the keynote presenter.  PitchEngine, based in Casper, Wyoming, is "a social media release service" that enables PR
professionals to package stories and share them with journalists,
bloggers, and influencers via the social web. (By the way, if you want to follow Jason, here's his Twitter page, which tells us he's also a former journalist, a graphic designer, a fly fisherman, and a snowboarder.)

Said Jen JenKanein announcing the event (she's pictured below, and that's colleague Kary Delaria at right), KaryDelaria "If you’re
in the business of sharing facts, telling stories, starting
conversations, and monitoring dialogue about your company or client,
this is stuff you need to know."   

 The conference will also feature eight breakout sessions reflecting
the most cutting edge and innovative thinking on how to navigate this
rapidly changing industry. I know most all these folks and can attest they know their stuff. Kane-logo

The breakout sessions include:

•  "Using Social Media Behind the Firewall" – Gary Koelling, Best Buy, and Cameron Gross, GreaterThan Media, a consultant to Best Buy.
•  "Pitching Using New Media Tools" – Eva Keiser, Senior Vice President, Risdell McKinney Public Relations.
•  "Online Reputation Management" – Greg Swan, Digital Strategy Manager, Weber Shandwick Digital Communications.
•  "Incorporating Podcasts and Video Into Your Marketing and PR Mix" – Albert Maruggi, founder of Provident Partners and Producer of the Marketing Edge podcast.
•  "Self Publishing for PR" – Arik Hanson, ACH Communications/Chief Blogger, Communications Conversations.
•  "How to Monitor Your Brand Through Social Media Channels" – Connie Benson, Chief Community Officer, Techrigy.
•  "Optimizing Content of Press Releases and Beyond" – Jolina Pettice, Senior Account Manager, TopRank Online Marketing.
•  "Small Brands. Big Results" – Blois Olson, Executive Vice President, Tunheim Partners.

In addition, there will be open lab periods where attendees can
network with others and explore new online PR and marketing tools and

The organizers tell me that remaining space is limited, but
registration may still be available as you read this.  To register and
see the list of those attending to date, here's the PR 2.0 event registration page. You can also see the press release for the event here: a PitchEngine release, of course!

Can't make the event but still want to schmooze?

You're in luck. Kane Consulting also announced they're holding a
"TweetUp" after the conference from 6:00 to 9:00 pm at Tavern on
France!  You may have seen some buzz about this on our local Social Media Breakfast (SMBmsp) site
— well, now it’s official.  It's your chance to meet Jason Kintzler of
PitchEngine and hob-nob with the local PR digerati.  But you must RSVP here for the TweetUp.  It's open to all.  There’s no cost to attend this evening gathering, and you can simpy order food and drinks off the menu.

See ya there!

Upcoming Event to Focus on the ROI of Digital Marketing

A Twin Cities event for senior executives and marketing professionals has been announced by long-standing Minneapolis web marketing firm Ciceron.  Entitled Radical ROI: Seizing the Potential of the Digital Marketplace, the half-day panel will be held Monday, May 11, 2009, from 8:00 to 11:00 am at the Midland Hills Country Club in St. Paul.


The event offers attendees a chance to hear how a panel of local business leaders have transformed their organizations to thrive in the digital marketplace — and I am privileged to be one of those panelists:

• Paul Douglas: CEO, Weather Nation (and former chief meteorologist, WCCO TV)

• Jan McDaniel: CEO, JTM Vision (and former CEO, American Red Cross Twin Cities)

• Phil Hotchkiss: Founder,

• Joel Kramer: Founder, (and former Publisher, Minneapolis Star-Tribune)

• Graeme Thickins: Founder, GT&A Strategic Marketing

• Andrew Eklund: CEO, Ciceron Digital Marketing

A special reduced rate of $195 per person is available till May 3 at this registration page, with a group rate of only $395 for up to five people from the same organization.

Ciceron is a web marketing and consulting agency based in
Minneapolis. It offers full-service solutions from
professional search engine optimization and email marketing programs to
in-depth metrics and performance tracking.  Its clients have included such major brands as Home Depot, Nascar, USBank, Andersen Windows, Best Buy, Target, and Pepsi.  For more about Cicero, check out their about page, their full client list, and here are their management bios.

I hope to see you at "Radical ROI: Seizing the Potential of the Digital Marketplace" on May 11. Again, use this registration page before May 3 to get those preferential rates.

David Meerman Scott to Speak at ‘Social Media Breakfast’ in Twin Cities October 31

I’m really happy to report that I successfully convinced one of my famous-author friends to speak to our next Social Media Breakfast here in the Twin Cities. We call it "SMBMSP" for short, and this is our eighth monthly event. Smbmsplogo
David Meerman Scott, a very well-traveled and popular speaker, is the author of the top-selling book, The New Rules for Marketing and PR. Davidmscott_2

He told me back in August that he’d be coming to MInneapolis for a seminar on October 30, so I asked him if he would consider staying over another night if we could schedule one of our breakfast meetings on the 31st. Newrulesbookcover_2
He was gracious enough to say yes, so we got some sponsors, and now we have it all scheduled. It will be held at Deluxe Corp’s headquarters in Shoreview, MN, thanks to my friend Steve Neilsen, whose company,, was recently acquired by Deluxe. The meeting is scheduled for 8:00 to 10:30 am on Friday, October 31. Attendance is free, open to anyone interested in social media, and the first 100 attendees will receive a free copy of David’s book. (By the way, David blogs here.)
To register, go to our group’s social network site at (clip shown here), click on the "Events" tab, then click on "SMB-Twin Cities 8," and then look for the "Order Now" button. Smbmspningpage_2
Or, just go directly to our RSVP page. Look forward to seeing you there!  Oh — and costumes are optional…  🙂

Minnedemo – Hot Damn!

Oh, was the joint a-jumpin’ Thursday night, gang. For those of you who weren’t there, that joint was O’Gara’s Garage in St. Paul. For those of you who were — lucky you (especially if you were smart enough to get there early). The crowd had to be 350 or 400 — it was basically shoulder-to-shoulder at its peak. Minnedemoogarasmichaellehmkuhl
The schmoozin’ was in high gear, the kegs were flowing (7 kinds!), and there wasn’t even any entertainment!  Well, I guess we were our own entertainment — and six of our community’s latest, hot startups got up on stage halfway into the evening to pitch their wares. [Photo of O’Gara’s courtesy of Minnedemo attendee Michael Lehmkuhl.]

Don’t let anyone tell you the Minnesota tech community isn’t hotter than a pistol! You could feel the energy, the entrepreneurial juices flowing.  You know we have something special going on here in Minnesota when you experience one of these BarCamp events (which we call Minnebar and Minnedemo) — and when you see how we keep attracting more and more of the important players from the community with every meeting.Minnedemocrowdstefanhartwig
And it’s not just the Twin Cities — we had people there from Sioux Falls, Fargo, St. Cloud, Wisconsin, and more.  [Photo of the crowd early-on courtesy of Minnedemo attendee Stefan Hartwig, of sponsor Electric Pulp — one of those dudes from Sioux Falls! Yes, this is the outfit Guy Kawasaki has made famous.]

What was the coolest thing I heard at the event? That was from Robert Stephens, the illustrious founder of Minnesota’s own Geek Squad (acquired by Best Buy in 2002). See my recent coverage of Robert being named MN Entrepreneur of the Year. And, yes, he was just interviewed on 60 Minutes, too! I had a great chat with Robert, during which I mentioned that I’d heard Best Buy was hosting an event that very day in Silicon Valley, just for VCs.  He said, yeah, that he was supposed to be speaking there. I asked why he wasn’t. "Because I’d rather be here. I really believe in the Minnesota tech community."  Now, is that freaking cool, or what?  Screw the Valley, he’s more interested in the action here! Robert is a major supporter of our state’s entrepreneurs — a hero in our midst, for sure.

What else really impressed me?  Well, besides the great startups that pitched and just the huge energy of our collective developer/entrepreneur/interactive/marketing community, I have to say that I continue to be really pumped about the quality of new players we keep drawing to these events. We had partners from at least two major VCs firms (and three more I knew really wanted to be there but had schedule conflicts), another from the largest "network of angel networks" in the country, an investment banker whom I know is currently raising a large chunk for a local startup, and more major, local angel investors than I’ve seen at any of our previous meetings. Yes, that’s right, the guy (or lady) you were standing next to could be one — so, don’t spill beer on ’em!  🙂  Seriously, they were there to catch the buzz on what’s new, who’s starting up what, and to schmooze with their colleagues about the latest deals circulating. [Unfortunately, some of the newer ones didn’t realize how noisy these gatherings get, and how hard it can be to hear the presenters, unless you move right up near the stage. But, hopefully they’ll follow up with individual entrepreneurs for one-on-ones — that’s really the intended outcome, anyway, for the startups pitching at these events.] And there were major dudes present as well from some of our state’s largest Internet-related businesses — trust me, I know these people! And I brokered at least two key introductions of local startups to some of these guys. They definitely wanted to know more about some of the technologies pitched. And, there’s more — we even had an NBA player, formerly of the Timberwolves (and a serious geek), in our midst! Not to forget our local media people — I know the Business Journal was present. Not sure if the Trib or the Pioneer Press made it (I was just too busy to see everyone I wanted to).  And, you just know that Minnesota’s best and brightest tech bloggers were there — Steve Borsch, Ed Kohler, Ben Higginbotham, and….well, you know. And so many of the developer attendees have great blogs of their own as well!  (See the links in the list of attendees on the Minnedemo site for those.)

So, who were the startup founders that pitched?  Well, it was an awesome combination of really smart developers, serial entrepreneurs, a major ad-agency producer, a female entrepreneur with a company just coming out of stealth, even a former Silicon Valley researcher that holds a patent on the technology he was pitching.  Minnedemoadaptiveave
People, you would be amazed if you drilled into the backgrounds of these folks — I can say that because I know many of them. There was a huge amount of experience and expertise represented on that stage on Thursday night — a proud moment for Minnesota entrepreneurship. Here’s a quick rundown on who got 10 minutes each to pitch to this raucous crowd:

CrashPlan (Matthew Dornquast) – a virtual appliance for automatic, off-site backup
FanChatter (Marty Wetherall) – mobile sports fan chat, photos, more (see news release)
SOTAcomm (Gary Doan) – plug-and-play appliances integrating best-of-breed open-source "unified communications" apps for running a small business
Wonderfile (David Carnes) – tag-based file management and collaboration
Pokeware (Maryse Thomas) – monetizing video streams by giving consumers extensive access to products and information within them (see news release)
Adaptive Avenue (David Quimby) – distributed commerce, "site within a banner," enabling a whole new category of clicks ("engagement" clicks)

[Photo of David Quimby presenting courtesy of Ben Wallace.]

But did you think we only have six startups here in Minnesota worthy of presenting?  Wrong, bucko! There were sixteen more — count ’em, 16!! — who were stacked up on the waiting list in case someone dropped out. They’re definitely worth a look, too….and they’re all listed here on the Minnedemo site, with links so you can learn more.

Remember to say thank you! (My daddy taught me that!) What an awesome event — and we owe it all to the event co-organizers, who donate a huge amount of their time to these things: developers Dan Grigsby, a successful entrepreneur who really knows how to give back to the community, and Luke Francl, a developer at local hot shop Slantwise Design. And the sponsors who pay the freight to make these events happen. We love ’em!  Read about ’em and support ’em. They keep coming back, too — all are repeat sponsors:
Kinetic Data
Split Rock Partners
New Counsel
Electric Pulp

What’s the takeaway? Minnesota’s startup and Internet community is a one exciting place to be! You like it here, and I know the vast majority of you want to stay here. I’m proud to be a part of the community, and each and every one of you out there should be, too. It’s great to know that if you can work hard, think big, and make good stuff that improves people’s lives or work, or just helps them have more fun online — whatever! — that you can make a real contribution to our economy, and advance your own lot in life as well.

I can’t wait for our next Minnedemo or Minnebar event.  Meantime, keep building on the energy…and keep on networking!  🙂

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