Graeme Thickins of Tech~Surf~Blog interviews Govind Kabra, CTO of Cazoodle (a future DEMO “hopeful”), at the DEMO ’09 conference, which was held March 1-3, 2009, in Palm Desert, CA.

I was pinged late Monday by a DEMO attendee, Govind Kabra, who wanted to give me a look at his startup’s new search technology. My first thought was, gee, I hardly have time to cover the official presenters here…but I thought, what the heck, I admired his tenacity.  So, I emailed him back before I went to the DEMO Jam Session Monday night and told him to find me at breakfast Tuesday morning. I was about chow down with Don Dodge and couple other folks when he introduced himself, and I learned he was from the University of Illinois. I told him, with that bloodline, I definitely wanted to hear more. So, after I ate, we sat down in the back of the big room just before the lights were to be lowered for the start of another big day at DEMO, and I let him tell me what his startup is doing to disrupt the apartment search business.


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