Reflections & analysis about innovation, technology, startups, investing, healthcare, and more .... with a focus on Minnesota, Land of 10,000 Lakes. Blogging continuously since 2005.

Tag: widget

What’s Up With the ‘Social Media Today’ Widget?

So, I tried turning on this widget again in my sidebar today.  It sure looks cool when you first see it, which I did several months ago.  I put it in my sidebar briefly back then, but I remember it wasn’t working right, so I took it off.  Also, it couldn’t be adjusted for width and was displaying somewhat "chopped off" in my standard.pngdth Typepad sidebar. Well, today, I thought I’d try it again to see if they’d improved the thing at all. The width thing is still a problem for Typepad blogs, and I don’t see any way to adjust for that. Are the links working for you?  I was having a problem for a while clicking through to the scrolling stories. But if this thing appears to be working okay now, I just may turn it back on again in my sidebar.  I’m sure you can get at a lot of this same news on Alltop’s Social Media page, if you just want a plain-vanilla UI (basically a random list). But I find scrolling widgets to be more fun….

Subscribe to My ‘Blidget’

Actually, I’d rather you subscribe to my RSS feed. But, what the heck, subscribe to this, too! Just click on the blue bar near the top of my sidebar to the right. It lets you add a widget of my blog headlines to your own blog or web site, courtesy of Widgetbox. Blidgetgraphic I saw this company debut at DEMO last year. They thought widgets were gonna be big….and they were right! The company’s been going great guns since then, becoming an amazing source of every kind of widget imaginable. They partnered with Typepad to introduce this “blidget” (blog+widget) concept. Mine looks like this:


For some reason, my photo was showing up in it fine at first, but then it wasn’t. Are you seeing it on my blidget? The one I chose, naturally, is the infamous hat & lei photo of me above in my header, shot while partyin’ on Maui about 10 years ago…