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Tag: widgets (Page 2 of 2)

PagePow Launches Widgets with Advanced Reporting

PagePow Inc., a new web technology startup based in Minneapolis, today announced the launch of a private beta at PagePow enables bloggers and web content owners to easily copy and paste web-based widgets into their blogs, web sites, auctions, social networking sites, and more. is immediately avalable as a private beta.

The startup is debuting with seven widgets:
– 5-Star Rating
– Poll
– Quiz
– Page Counter
– Google Map
– Contact Us
– Send Page to Friend


More widgets are planned. A key differentiator with PagePow is that bloggers and content owners will also have access to comprehensive reports generated by all the widgets they use. PagePow members will easily be able to monitor all the data their widgets produce through one simple interface at

“Web site ease-of-use is a major focus for us, ” said PagePow founder Joe Sriver, an experienced UI designer whio worked in Silicon Valley for several years. “We spent a lot of time creating a simple, intuitive user interface to make sure people can come to the site, easily find what they need, and copy the code to their site within a couple minutes.”


PagePow allows webmasters and bloggers to concentrate on generating content without having to worry about programming to have the cool features they want on their web sites, said Sriver.

PagePow offers comprehensive reports detailing statistics from PagePow widgets. “We wanted to offer widgets that any site could potentially use. We won’t have widgets that have a very narrow user base. For example, our poll widget can be used for any question,” said Sriver.

Users of PagePow widgets will be able to track all the data they generate while using the widgets, by logging in to PagePow and seeing their ratings, comments, poll/quiz answers, etc. all in one place. “This is something I haven’t seen on similar widget sites,” said Sriver. Otherpagepowwidgets “We let everyone take advantage of our widgets — not just webmasters or bloggers who put the code on their pages, but any user of the widgets.” Users will receive a one-time only pop-up dialog when they confirm their vote, comment, etc., and PagePow will prompt them to log in and will briefly explain the benefits of tracking their data.

Those interested in participating in the PagePow private beta can submit their name and email address at Private beta testers are invited to comment on the functionality and UI and anything else they wish, said Sriver. A stage-one Public Beta is planned for the near future.

Firefox Users, You’ll Love the Cool, New “BlueOrganizer Denim” Plug-In

AdaptiveBlue, a company we covered here and here last September when they debuted at DEMOfall, today launched the latest version of its BlueOrganizer plug-in for the Firefox browser, which it calls Denim. Alex Iskold, the founder and CEO, is a friend of mine, and a fellow writer at Read/Write Web. (Okay, I’ve written two posts there and he’s done what seems like 50 or more, and they’re all amazingly good.) How he finds time to do all this writing and run a startup, I don’t know. I’m threatening to start calling him Superman. Alex’s firm is based in New Jersey and was funded in a Series A round last fall by Union Square Ventures of New York City.

Anyway, I downloaded and installed the plug-in in about 30 seconds on my Mac. It’s an elegant solution — and the web site is very clean, well functioning, and informative, with good demos, graphics, and explanations. The plug-in worked flawlessly for me right from the start, and I’m now thinking it could turn me into more a Firefox user… 🙂

Duncan Riley reported on the launch today on Tech Crunch, noting that “Adaptive Blue also enters the widget market. The new ‘sharing links’ feature allows users to embed semantic links into any web page, include bookmark style lists in a sidebar, or just embed a traditional widget. Affiliate programs are fully supported with no revenue sharing; if a user includes their affiliate code for programs such as eBay and Amazon they keep 100% of any associated revenue.”

Richard MacManus also published a post today on BlueOrganizer on Read/Write Web, under the title “Semantic Web In Action?” He explained that BlueOrganizer “aims to provide extra contextual information to you while browsing the Web. Basically, after you install BlueOrganizer in Firefox, it enables you to discover all kinds of relevant content while you’re browsing – such as books, music, links, related information, etc. Essentially then, it adds personalization and semantics into the browser.”

How’s the new version of the plug-in different? “First,” says Alex, “it’s just much more fun! Its lighter, more clickable, and takes less space both in the toolbar and in the sidebar. There’s also a new BlueMenu right in the toolbar. This makes the menu much easier to use for people who are not into right-clicking.” He also says that the latest context detection algorithm “is a huge improvement over the previous versions. Try it on blog posts about books, music, wine or another topic and see for yourself.”

Probably the most important new feature is SmartLinks, according to Alex. “These are web links that feature contextual shortcuts. They carry all the smarts about the objects right into blog posts, web pages, and social network profiles.” With SmartLinks, he noted, you can share the power of context and semantics with your friends, family, or readers.

“This is fundamental and big,” Alex proudly points out. “We’re bringing semantics into the most basic element of the web – the link. Imagine the web where links no longer point to pages, but point to things….users can get to information faster; information that’s contextual and relevant.” While some people might call this the Semantic Web, “we would not be so presumptuous,” Alex says. “But we think BlueOrganizer and SmartLinks are powering a smarter web and that, in turn, paves the road to the real Semantic Web.”


Could another Web 2.0 technology fusion be on the horizon? As in, widget meets advertising, new love affair blossoms? That would seem to be the gist of the latest online advertising development, with Google now saying it will do a full launch this summer of its Gadget Ads. Wadgetgraphic It didn’t take the 800-pound gorilla long to figure out that advertisers were coveting all the space that content publishers have been devoting to widgets. Many of these advertisers would naturally like to push their wares inside little embedded, interactive pieces of web real estate, too. It’s not just about getting a click-through; these things offer great branding possibilities as well.

Steve Rubel reported yesterday about this latest move on his Micropersuasion blog under the headline, Google Widgetsense Is a Reality. He based his post on a piece Niall Kennedy did a bit earlier, called Google Gadgets Are Now an AdSense Unit. That, in turn, was based on news broken at an event by Tameka Kee of Online Media Daily: Google Tests ‘Gadget Ads’. And it was all later breathlessly reported by Pete Cashmore at Mashable thusly: Gadget Ads!. Got all that? Such is the blogosphere — and all that reporting happened in a matter of a few hours!

Just a few weeks ago, in a guest post I did on Read/Write Web from the Web 2.0 Expo in SF, entitled Widgetsphere: New Playground For Marketers, I raised this question of where does a widget stop and an ad begin? Well, it appears the line is growing fuzzier as we speak. Capitalism marches on!

UPDATE: To accurately label Google as an 800-pound gorilla, not an 80-pound one. 🙂

Web 2.0 Expo: My Coverage on Read/Write Web

My first guest post went up on Read/Write Web a couple of days ago. It’s called Widgetsphere: New Playground For Marketers, and it’s about a session I attended at the Web 2.0 Expo this week in SF. Readwriteweblogo The CEOs of two widget syndication networks, Widgetbox and Clearspring, spoke about how widgets are becoming a must in the Internet marketer’s toolbox. (I covered Widgetbox a bit back in September 2006 when they debuted at DemoFall.) Widgetboxlogo

Anyway, it was fun getting to Web 2.0 Expo and meeting Richard MacManus, editor and publisher of Read/Write Web. What a hard-working guy! And now a media mogul in his own right… 🙂 He’s based in Wellington, New Zealand, but flew to California for a few weeks to attend the Expo and do some other business. Clearspringlogo Watch for another link to Read/Write Web soon, a recap of the whole Web 2.0 Expo experience. And I hope to be writing for this great blog again in the future. It was also fun hanging out again with Alex Iskold, a regular writer at Read/Write Web, who’s also founder of AdaptiveBlue. Alex is not only a smart guy and a great writer, but a fun guy, too! We had some laughs at the party Tuesday night snatching appetizers from the carts as they wheeled by on the way to the buffet lines, which were waay too long to stand in… 🙂

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