This just in…news on Valentine’s Day about a company I follow named Krugle, of code-search fame. Seems they’ve chosen this hallowed day to announce they’ve been tapped to supply search functionality for the Yahoo! Developer Network. This is a centralized resource that offers open APIs and Web Services to make it easy for developers to extend and build on Yahoo!’s products and services.


The Yahoo! Developer Network hosts the publicly-available code and documentation for Yahoo!-owned properties, and provides tutorials, code samples, and other resources for developers. With this partnership, developers can now take advantage of Krugle’s code search engine and interface when they’re working with Yahoo! APIs and data — specifically, to find, save, and share code written in six languages: ActionScript, JavaScript, .NET, PHP, Python, and Ruby.

A kewl thing about Krugle is it also provides users with contextual information as they browse the code, such as associated documentation and dependencies, bug reports, commentary, and user-tagged code and search results, which they can then easily share with their colleagues.

“One of the reasons for Yahoo!’s success has been the company’s strong belief in opening up its products for third-party developers,” according to my old buddy Steve Larsen, who’s the CEO of Krugle, based in Menlo Park, CA. Stevelarsen_1 “By publishing open APIs and helpful documentation, they create an active and engaged community and encourage developers to create applications which utilize Yahoo!’s technology in new and innovative ways. With this partnership, Krugle will make it easier than ever to leverage the true potential of Yahoo!’s open APIs and Web Services.”


To check out Krugle code search on the Yahoo! Developer Network, just go to

One other thing I like about Krugle: not only the management, but the investors and advisors behind this outfit are pretty darn awesome, too.