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Web 2.0 Summit Could Take a Lesson

As I sit here blogging from my room on the 14th floor at the Hyatt Regency Century Plaza in LA, watching the sun rise, I’m thinking the blogging experience up at the big event up in EssEff couldn’t have been too much fun. Glad I missed the frustration. I just read a post on Read/Write Web that the wi-fi there was spotty at best. Madashell How could the producers of the event not provide reliable wireless ‘Net access? Is it something to do with the antiquated venue? Just a logistics screw up? Or did they cut corners after charging such lofty prices? After all, this was an event that was supposed to glorify technology, wasn’t it? Just goes to show you — technology often doesn’t work as advertised. I’ll bet there were some unhappy bloggers at this event. The producers should take a lesson from conferences like Demo. They manage to have wi-fi that’s flawless in my experience.

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1 Comment

  1. Graeme Thickins

    A very good final recap of the Web 2.0 Summit by Read/Write Web is here.

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