One of my favorite people in the world of technology is Guy Kawasaki — Mac evangelist, Apple Fellow, book author, columnist, and lately a VC. A couple of days ago, he became an ex-holdout in the realm of blogging (I can relate), launching a very nice blog, which he named, quite appropriately, “Let the Good Times Roll.” Why is it a good name in Guy’s case? Because he’s a really funny, entertaining guy, whether through the written word or onstage. But, more importantly, he has such a positive outlook on life, and that includes being a strong supporter of all the great things technology and innovation can do in our lives.

The name doesn’t stop with the above, however: I got a huge kick out of his subtitle, too! It’s his definition of a blogger. Right in line with my mind set — see my post of November 6, 2005, “Of Blogs and Boredom.” Not much has been written about this dirty little secret of the blogosphere, so it’s nice to see someone else calling it out — or at least having fun with it.

I think Guy’s blog is going to carry a whole lot more worth reading, too. Welcome, Guy! And forget about having to blog daily (remember, the non-bored among us don’t care). Hey, even if it’s only a couple posts a month from you, your blog will be great!