Just met with a Minneapolis stealth startup that’s meeting with In-Q-Tel and the NSA next week. (Where do you meet with the NSA? As this guy was told, “Oh, we’ll tell you that when the time comes.”) Man, this harks me back to my days working with the first CEO of Secure Computing, Kermit Beseke, way back in late ’80s. He knew the NSA guys on a first-name basis. And the rest became history (starting in ’95, with one of the top-5 hottest IPOs for several years running). Wow, when you think of how many major technologies we take for granted actually started with the government, it’s amazing. How about a little thing called, oh, *email* for one? And the very Internet itself. I remember the guys at Secure Computing telling me about email, and then Mosaic and the Web, waay before they were much known outside of government circles. This world of stealth startups is so much fun I can hardly stand it! Oh, and by the way, for all you folks now scratching your head and wondering “Minnesota?” — this has nothing to do with government stuff, but, remember, that early search technology Gopher started right here, too…at a great school called the U of MN!